Union Carpenter Salary: Comprehensive Earnings Guide - carpenters30.org (2024)

Table of Contents
Table Of Contents: Union Carpenter Salary Overview The Role of Unions in Determining Carpenter Salaries A Closer Look at Wage Sheets Understanding Carpenter Earnings Factors Affecting Union Carpenter Salary Location and Job Type Construction Activity Levels Your Experience and Skills Matter Mother Nature Has Her Say Too Downturns Can Be Rough… Unions Have Their Say Detailed Comparison of Union Carpenter Salary with Other Trades Comparing Carpentry with Plumbing Carpentry vs Electrician Wages Comparing with Iron Workers In-depth Analysis of Union Carpenter Salary Data and Trends Diving Deeper Into Income Tax Records Decoding Trends Comprehensive Breakdown of Benefits for Union Carpenters The Perks of Health Insurance A Look Beyond Traditional Benefits Union Carpenter Demographics A Closer Look at Union Carpenters by Gender Ethnic Diversity Among Union Carpenters Trends In Age Groups Of Union Carpenters Employer Information for Union Carpenters The Pay Scale Benefits Beyond Wages Understanding the Union Carpenter Apprenticeship Program The Advantages of Joining an Apprenticeship Program Finding Your Path Through Apprenticeships: How To Get Started? Resources for Accessing Union Carpenter Salary Information Oregon – Mint Website: A Reliable Source Tapping Into Union Websites Navigating Wage Sheets: Key Insights Revealed FAQs in Relation to Union Carpenter Salary What is the top pay for a union carpenter? Where are the highest paid union carpenters? What is Union Carpenter scale in Illinois? How much do union carpenters make in South Dakota? Conclusion FAQs References

Ever wonder how much a union carpenter salary might be? If you’re like me, the idea of wielding a hammer and nails while creating something tangible sparks some curiosity. There’s an artistry to it; the rough feel of timber beneath your hands, transforming raw material into masterpieces that stand strong against time.

The union aspect brings in another layer – camaraderie, collective bargaining power, but most importantly – pay scales and benefits! Think about it: what are the odds of a solo carpenter standing up to big corporations for better wages?

This piece is not just about dollar signs. It dives deep into factors influencing these salaries (yes location matters!), compares earnings with other trades such as plumbers or electricians, highlights the generous benefits attached to being part of this guild and even uncovers information on employers!

Does the concept pique your interest? It surely has an ability to captivate us, right?

Table Of Contents:

  • Union Carpenter Salary Overview
  • The Role of Unions in Determining Carpenter Salaries
  • A Closer Look at Wage Sheets
  • Understanding Carpenter Earnings
  • Factors Affecting Union Carpenter Salary
    • Location and Job Type
    • Construction Activity Levels
    • Your Experience and Skills Matter
    • Mother Nature Has Her Say Too
    • Downturns Can Be Rough…
    • Unions Have Their Say
  • Detailed Comparison of Union Carpenter Salary with Other Trades
    • Comparing Carpentry with Plumbing
    • Carpentry vs Electrician Wages
    • Comparing with Iron Workers
  • In-depth Analysis of Union Carpenter Salary Data and Trends
    • Diving Deeper Into Income Tax Records
    • Decoding Trends
  • Comprehensive Breakdown of Benefits for Union Carpenters
    • The Perks of Health Insurance
    • A Look Beyond Traditional Benefits
  • Union Carpenter Demographics
    • A Closer Look at Union Carpenters by Gender
    • Ethnic Diversity Among Union Carpenters
    • Trends In Age Groups Of Union Carpenters
  • Employer Information for Union Carpenters
    • The Pay Scale
    • Benefits Beyond Wages
  • Understanding the Union Carpenter Apprenticeship Program
    • The Advantages of Joining an Apprenticeship Program
    • Finding Your Path Through Apprenticeships: How To Get Started?
  • Resources for Accessing Union Carpenter Salary Information
    • Oregon – Mint Website: A Reliable Source
    • Tapping Into Union Websites
    • Navigating Wage Sheets: Key Insights Revealed
  • FAQs in Relation to Union Carpenter Salary
    • What is the top pay for a union carpenter?
    • Where are the highest paid union carpenters?
    • What is Union Carpenter scale in Illinois?
    • How much do union carpenters make in South Dakota?
  • Conclusion

Union Carpenter Salary Overview

Understanding the earnings of union carpenters involves peeling back layers of industry standards, regional differences, and the crucial role unions play. A combination of these factors shapes a unique wage structure for UBC carpenters.

Journeymen carpenters and combo locals often earn differently based on several variables we’ll delve into later. But let’s focus on understanding wages first. For example, according to the MARBA Rate Sheet effective June 1st, 2023, which offers critical insights into current pay rates.

The Role of Unions in Determining Carpenter Salaries

Unions are like lighthouses guiding ships in choppy waters; they protect workers from being shortchanged by ensuring fair wages. In terms of numbers, think about this: without unions advocating for them, many carpenters might not be making what they deserve.

This is where Union Workers make their mark – shaping salaries while ensuring that compensation reflects skill level and experience. So when it comes to earning power within the trade industry – including roles such as UBC Carpenters or Journeymen Carpenters – having a strong union backing you up can certainly tip scales in your favor.

You may ask why? It’s simple: stronger representation leads to better negotiation power with employers over things like salary packages or work conditions.

A Closer Look at Wage Sheets

To get more specific about how much a unionized carpenter earns per hour or annually, we turn our attention towards comprehensive data sources known as ‘wage sheets’. These documents break down earnings based on numerous factors like job type (e.g., Combo Local), region (like Oregon), etcetera).

One such resource is the Wage Sheet 2023, providing a clear breakdown of different pay scales. So if you’re wondering about wages, this document can be your best friend.

Understanding Carpenter Earnings

Apart from wage sheets, we also have to consider income tax records for an accurate picture of earnings. Union carpenter salary isn’t just what shows up on your paycheck – it’s much more than that.

Key Takeaway:

Union carpenter salaries are shaped by industry standards, regional differences, and union roles. Unions advocate for fair wages, helping carpenters earn what they deserve based on skill level and experience. Wage sheets offer specific earning data while income tax records provide a fuller picture of total earnings.

Factors Affecting Union Carpenter Salary

A union carpenter’s salary is not a static figure. It sways, just like the tall Oregon pine trees sway in the wind. Many factors come into play when determining these wages.

Location and Job Type

The state you’re working in can greatly affect your earnings as a union carpenter. In metropolitan areas like NYC, pay for union carpenters may be higher than in rural regions because of elevated living costs. The type of job also matters – residential projects may pay differently compared to commercial ones.

Construction Activity Levels

The amount of construction activity impacts demand for skilled laborers such as carpenters. When buildings are going up left and right, there’s no shortage of work or good paychecks.

Your Experience and Skills Matter

If you’ve been nailing joists and rafters for years on end, chances are you’ll be earning more than an apprentice fresh out from school. Your skills set could mean that extra dollar per hour on your paycheck – so keep honing them.

Mother Nature Has Her Say Too

Surely enough even weather has its role. Harsh winters or torrential rains can slow down outdoor construction activities leading to reduced hours worked by union carpenters thus affecting their annual income figures.

Downturns Can Be Rough…

No one likes downturns but they do happen sometimes despite our best efforts at forecasting trends using data from sources such as the June 1st, 2023 wage sheet. Economic recessions often lead to decreased building activity which subsequently lowers demand for all kinds of tradesmen including unionized carpenters.

Unions Have Their Say

Lastly, we can’t overlook the impact of unions. They hammer out wages and benefits for their members. That’s why union membership often means a substantial boost in pay compared to non-union workers. A great example is the MARBA Rate Sheet that kicked off on June 1st, 2023. It gives us key insights into agreed wage rates and other employment conditions for union carpenters.

Key Takeaway:

Union carpenter salaries fluctuate due to various factors. Your location and job type, construction activity levels, experience and skills can all impact earnings. Even weather plays a part. Economic downturns may lower demand for your work, but being in a union often means higher pay compared to non-union workers.

Detailed Comparison of Union Carpenter Salary with Other Trades

When it comes to the earnings in trade professions, there’s often a question about who brings home more bacon – union carpenters or their counterparts in other trades like plumbing and ironworking? Let’s compare these wages and get a clearer picture.

Comparing Carpentry with Plumbing

The salary war between UA plumbers and union carpenters is an interesting one. Both are vital cogs in the construction industry wheel, but when it comes to paychecks, things might not be equal. Plumbers usually have higher hourly rates than carpenters because they need specific technical skills that can take years to master.

In comparison, sprinkler fitters also enjoy handsome paychecks due to the precision required for installing fire protection systems correctly. Just like UA plumbers, this specialization helps them earn slightly more than our beloved hammer-wielding friends at times.

Moving on from water-based jobs let’s dive into another fascinating field – electricity.

Carpentry vs Electrician Wages

If you thought electricians were just sitting around twisting wires all day long think again. As important as woodwork is for building structures; electrical work lights up those very buildings making life easier for everyone inside. It takes serious skill to avoid getting zapped while keeping everything else safe.

Union electricians, such as IBEW Inside Wireman typically make a comparable wage to unionized carpenters depending on region and experience level – though sometimes slightly higher thanks mainly due their specialized knowledge of electrical systems. But hey, carpenters shouldn’t feel too bad about this – their work is the backbone of any construction project.

Comparing with Iron Workers

Ever wondered who’s responsible for those giant steel structures that seem to touch the sky? It’s none other than our friends – the union iron workers. Working at dizzying heights and dealing with heavy metal (no not THAT kind) every day can make one feel like a superhero.

Just like IBE, union iron workers have a significant role to play in our society.

Key Takeaway:

Iron workers, too, make a decent living in this field. All these trades are crucial for the construction industry despite differences in pay scales. Whether it’s an electrician mastering complex wiring systems or a plumber applying specialized skills, every role contributes to building our world.

In-depth Analysis of Union Carpenter Salary Data and Trends

Union carpenter salaries are influenced by many factors. One crucial element is the MARBA Rate Sheet, effective from June 1st, 2023. This sheet plays a pivotal role in determining union carpenters’ earnings.

Wage sheets are essential tools for understanding salary trends among union carpenters. The June 1st, 2023 wage sheet, for example, offers valuable insights into past wages and allows us to predict future income trajectories with some degree of accuracy.

The wage data provides a fascinating look at how compensation packages have evolved over time. For instance, we can see certain patterns emerging when comparing the June 1st, 2023 Commercial Allocation – Wage Sheet with previous years’ data.

An analysis of these sheets reveals not just the raw numbers but also deeper trends shaping this industry’s economic landscape. For instance: How has inflation impacted real incomes? Are there noticeable fluctuations based on construction sector activity or regional economic conditions?

Diving Deeper Into Income Tax Records

To supplement our understanding gained from wage sheets, we turn to another reliable source – income tax records. While not as straightforward as looking at a paycheck stub or an hourly rate on a contract agreement, tax records offer critical information about net earnings after deductions such as health insurance premiums and retirement contributions.

Tax records provide more than mere dollar amounts; they show what percentage of gross pay actually ends up in workers’ pockets once all taxes and mandatory deductions are accounted for—information that can be invaluable when planning budgets or negotiating contracts.

In conclusion, it’s clear that understanding union carpenter salary data requires digging deep into several sources while keeping an eye on the broader economic picture.

Decoding Trends

Trends are another crucial aspect of analyzing union carpenter salary data. By observing trends, we can anticipate potential changes in wages and plan accordingly. For example, a trend toward increasing wage rates could indicate a strong labor market or growing demand for skilled carpenters.

A trend of stagnating or decreasing wages could suggest a surplus of workers, indicating that construction may not be as busy as it once was. Or maybe construction isn’t booming like before.

Key Takeaway:

Understanding union carpenter salaries takes a deep dive into multiple sources. Key tools include the MARBA Rate Sheet and income tax records, revealing wage trends and net earnings after deductions. Observing these patterns alongside broader economic conditions allows us to anticipate changes in wages and plan effectively.

Comprehensive Breakdown of Benefits for Union Carpenters

Union carpenters enjoy a variety of benefits that are far-reaching and comprehensive. Union carpenters can benefit from a range of offerings, including – yet not limited to – holidays, sick days and medical coverage.

Vacation time is a much-valued benefit in the union carpentry trade. After periods of intense labor, vacation time provides union carpenters with an opportunity to relax and reconnect with their loved ones or explore personal interests. In addition to providing restful breaks from work, it also lets them spend quality time with family or pursue personal hobbies.

Sick leave ensures that workers can recover from illness without worrying about financial implications. This not only provides peace of mind during tough times but also contributes positively towards overall job satisfaction rates among unionized carpenters.

The Perks of Health Insurance

No conversation about benefits would be complete without mentioning health insurance – an indispensable asset for any worker today. Union carpenters receive top-notch coverage ensuring they have access to medical care when needed most.

This includes regular check-ups as well as more serious procedures if required. The cost-saving aspect here is significant; private healthcare costs can add up quickly and having this safety net helps keep those potential expenses at bay.

A Look Beyond Traditional Benefits

Beyond these traditional forms of compensation lies another realm where unions truly shine: retirement plans and training opportunities. Unions often negotiate robust pension plans which allow members to retire comfortably after years spent building America’s infrastructure.

  • Pension Plans:
  • Our In-house Training Programs:
  • We offer a range of in-house training programs. They’re tailored to your specific needs, letting you get the most out of every session. These programs are led by our expert trainers who use interactive teaching methods for effective learning. The best part? You can learn at your own pace and comfort, right from your workplace. This makes it an excellent choice for organizations that value continuous employee development but want to avoid the hassle of off-site trainings.

Key Takeaway:

Union carpenters reap extensive benefits like vacation time, sick leave, and health insurance. They also get the chance to unwind with their loved ones or engage in hobbies during breaks. Plus, there’s no need to stress over healthcare costs because of top-tier coverage. But it doesn’t stop there – retirement plans and tailored training programs add more value for union members.

Union Carpenter Demographics

Over the last ten years, union carpenters have seen a steady increase in their numbers. This growth isn’t just about numbers, but also involves changes in demographics that reflect shifts within the industry and society at large.

Diversity is on the increase among union carpenters. More women are taking up this traditionally male-dominated occupation, and there’s an increasing representation from different ethnic backgrounds too.

A Closer Look at Union Carpenters by Gender

Though the portion of union carpenters who are female is still small, it has been increasing annually. According to recent reports, female membership in some locals now reaches double digits – quite an achievement considering how gender-biased this field was once considered.

This change didn’t happen overnight; it took years of advocacy and policy changes within unions themselves. Now more than ever before, they’re actively working towards promoting equality in their ranks which includes encouraging more females to join as apprentices.

Ethnic Diversity Among Union Carpenters

When it comes to ethnicity among union carpenters, there’s no denying its increasing diversity either. Hispanics have always had a strong presence within construction trades, including being skilled carpentry workers; however, other minority groups such as African Americans and Asians are starting to leave their mark too, especially in urban areas where multiculturalism tends to thrive.

In many cases, these demographic trends reflect broader societal shifts – our cities are becoming increasingly diverse, so naturally, our workforce should mirror that change too, right?

Trends In Age Groups Of Union Carpenters

If we take into account age group distribution among unionized woodworkers, then another interesting trend emerges: younger generations seem less inclined towards manual labor jobs like those of a carpenter. However, this isn’t to say that the younger generation is completely shunning such professions.

Unions are working hard to draw in younger workers, offering things like apprenticeship programs and skill-building workshops. These plans are designed to close the gap between older professionals who’re about to retire and the fresh young talents ready to uphold the standard of high-quality craftsmanship that characterizes union carpentry.

Key Takeaway:

The union carpenter field is experiencing a rise in diversity, with more women and various ethnic backgrounds represented. This shift didn’t happen instantly – it took years of advocacy and policy changes. Also, while younger generations seem less drawn to manual labor jobs like carpentry, unions are offering programs to attract them.

Employer Information for Union Carpenters

Union carpenters often enjoy more job security and higher pay scales than their non-union counterparts. But the details of these benefits can vary greatly based on your employer.

To get a clearer picture, let’s consider some key aspects that employers provide to union carpenters: the pay scale and various other benefits.

The Pay Scale

The wage level of a union carpenter can vary depending on experience, skills, and location. An entry-level union carpenter may start at one wage level but have opportunities for increases as they gain more expertise in their field.

For example, according to the MARBA Rate Sheet effective June 1st, 2023, an experienced journeyman might earn significantly more than a first-year apprentice. These rate sheets are excellent resources if you want accurate information about what you could be earning as a union carpenter under different circ*mstances.

Benefits Beyond Wages

Beyond just wages though, many employers also offer additional perks or benefits that make being part of a union even more appealing. This could include health insurance coverage options or paid time off policies that are competitive with those offered in other industries.

To give you an idea of what this looks like: imagine having access to comprehensive medical care without worrying about copays or deductibles – it’s almost like having another paycheck.

Sick leave: You’re not feeling well? No problem. As part of your package from most employers would include sick leave allowance so that when life happens (as it does), there’s no need to worry about losing income while recovering from illness.

Vacation: We all know how important work-life balance is – hence why vacation benefits are an integral part of the employment package for union carpenters. Many employers offer a certain number of paid days off annually, allowing you to take some time away and return feeling re-energized.

Health Insurance: This is one benefit that truly stands out in many cases – robust health insurance coverage. This can range from dental and vision care all the way through comprehensive medical protection.

Key Takeaway:

Union carpenters usually have more job security and higher pay scales than their non-union counterparts, with salaries often linked to experience, skills, and location. Plus, they get extra benefits like health insurance or paid time off. This means you’re not just earning a competitive wage – there’s also added bonuses like sick leave allowance and vacation perks. And let’s not forget the comprehensive health insurance that makes the deal even sweeter.

Understanding the Union Carpenter Apprenticeship Program

Considering an apprenticeship program as the first step in becoming a union carpenter is wise. These programs give you the chance to learn while earning.

An apprenticeship usually lasts for four years and includes both classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Aspiring carpenters start by learning basic skills like using hand tools and reading blueprints. Over time, they progress to more complex tasks such as constructing building frameworks or installing structures and fixtures.

In addition to technical abilities, safety training forms a crucial part of the curriculum too. It’s not just about knowing how to use equipment properly but also understanding potential job hazards. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines are thoroughly covered in these courses because workplace safety is paramount in this profession.

The Advantages of Joining an Apprenticeship Program

Becoming an apprentice provides several benefits:

  • Earning While Learning: Unlike traditional education where students often rack up debt before making any income, apprentices earn wages from day one which gradually increase as their skill level improves.
  • Career Development: The hands-on experience gained during an apprenticeship helps develop real-world skills that employers value highly.
  • Mentorship: Experienced professionals guide aspiring carpenters throughout their journey providing valuable insights that can’t be learned from textbooks alone.

Finding Your Path Through Apprenticeships: How To Get Started?

To get started on your path towards becoming a unionized journeyman carpenter through an apprenticeship program, here are some steps you might consider following:

  1. Research local carpenter unions in your area and reach out to them for information on their apprenticeship programs.
  2. Apply directly through the union’s website or contact a local training center.
  3. If accepted, you’ll need to attend classes at an approved technical school while also gaining hands-on experience under the supervision of skilled journeymen.

learning the ropes of a profession. Apprenticeships provide an opportunity to gain valuable, practical expertise in your field of choice through direct experience and instruction from experienced journeymen. They’re not just about studying; they immerse you fully into your career path.

Key Takeaway:

Jumpstarting a career as a union carpenter? Consider an apprenticeship program. It’s learning while earning – gaining hands-on experience and valuable mentorship over four years. Start with basics like using tools, then advance to constructing building frameworks. And remember, safety is key. To start your journey, research local unions and apply for their programs.

Resources for Accessing Union Carpenter Salary Information

If you’re looking to get a detailed view of union carpenter salaries, there are plenty of resources available. These range from websites and wage sheets to software like Adobe Reader which lets you access PDF files containing relevant information.

Oregon – Mint Website: A Reliable Source

The Oregon – Mint website is an excellent starting point. It provides insights into the income and earnings of union carpenters in Oregon, including details about wages and benefits. By exploring this resource, you can understand how local economic conditions impact the salary structure for these skilled tradespeople.

This platform also helps paint a picture of job prospects within the state by providing data on employer-provided benefits and vacancies among other key stats. But remember, salaries vary across regions due to factors such as cost-of-living differences or construction activity levels.

Tapping Into Union Websites

Another reliable source is official union websites that represent carpenters nationwide. They provide updates on wage rates along with comprehensive information regarding apprenticeship programs that shape future earning potential for aspiring carpenters.

Apart from salary details, they offer a wealth of related content such as member benefits info or recent changes in labor laws impacting workers’ rights – valuable context when evaluating pay scales.

Navigating Wage Sheets: Key Insights Revealed

Wage sheets, accessible through various online platforms (often requiring tools like Adobe Reader), are another essential resource at your disposal.

  • An example would be MARBA’s Rate Sheet effective June 1st, 2023. These sheets provide a detailed breakdown of hourly wages for different job types within the carpentry trade.
  • They also give an insight into pay increases scheduled for future dates such as June 1st, 2023, allowing you to track salary trends over time.

Clicking this link will let you download Adobe Reader. Once installed, you can follow the simple instructions to get Adobe Reader up and running on your device. Easy as pie.

Key Takeaway:

It’s essential to look at multiple sources and consider these variables when figuring out potential earnings. And don’t worry – there are plenty of resources available to help you get a clear picture.

FAQs in Relation to Union Carpenter Salary

What is the top pay for a union carpenter?

A seasoned union carpenter can make over $60 per hour. This varies with location, skills, and experience.

Where are the highest paid union carpenters?

New York City typically pays its union carpenters the most in America. However, this changes based on market conditions.

What is Union Carpenter scale in Illinois?

In Illinois, the average hourly wage for a journeyman union carpenter hovers around $40-$45. Benefits not included here.

How much do union carpenters make in South Dakota?

The mean wage of a full-time unionized carpenter working in South Dakota is approximately $20 to $25 per hour.


So, you’ve journeyed with us through the world of a union carpenter salary. You’ve learned how unions play a significant role in shaping their wages and benefits. It’s all about power in numbers.

You now understand that location, job type, skills – they all matter when it comes to earnings. Every detail counts.

We showed you comparisons too! Unionized plumbers or electricians may have different pay scales but remember each trade has its own dynamics.

You’re aware now that being part of this guild means more than just an income; there are tangible benefits like vacation time and health insurance!

In short, your toolbox is brimming with insights on union carpenter salaries. Use these tools wisely as you carve out your path!

Union Carpenter Salary: Comprehensive Earnings Guide - carpenters30.org (2024)


What is the top pay for a union Carpenter? ›


What state has the highest paid union carpenters? ›

Best-Paying States for Carpenters

The states and districts that pay Carpenters the highest mean salary are Hawaii ($80,160), New Jersey ($74,520), Alaska ($72,060), Illinois ($70,770), and New York ($70,700). How Much Do Carpenters Make in Your City?

What is the best Carpenter salary? ›

Where are Carpenters paid the most?
  • Bendigo, Goldfields & Macedon Ranges. $86,250. View jobs.
  • Sunshine Coast. $82,500. View jobs.
  • Brisbane. $80,000. View jobs.
  • Cairns & Far North. $80,000. View jobs.
  • Gold Coast. $80,000. View jobs.
  • Lismore & Far North Coast. $80,000. View jobs.
  • Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter. $80,000. ...
  • Sydney. $80,000.

How much does a local 20 carpenters union make? ›

The estimate average salary for Local 20 Carpenters Union employees is around $95,765 per year, or the hourly rate of Local 20 Carpenters Union rate is $46. The highest earners in the top 75th percentile are paid over $109,574.

What do most carpenters charge per hour? ›

The carpenter cost per hour is between $30 to $200 per hour, with an average cost of $75 to $125 per hour. This price will vary based on several factors, including the carpenter's specialty, level of expertise, project type, and more.

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High Paying Carpentry Jobs
  • Carpenter Foreman. Salary range: $55,000-$69,000 per year. ...
  • Journeyman Carpenter. Salary range: $52,500-$68,500 per year. ...
  • Master Carpenter. Salary range: $49,500-$66,500 per year. ...
  • Residential Carpenter. Salary range: $44,500-$65,000 per year. ...
  • Finish Carpenter. ...
  • Form Setter. ...
  • Rough Carpenter. ...
  • Carpenter.

Do union carpenters make six figures? ›

$47,900 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $62,700 is the 75th percentile.

What is the best state to work in as a union carpenter? ›

Best-Paying States for Carpenters
  • Wisconsin. $63,991.
  • Michigan. $62,358.
  • Delaware. $61,017.
  • Alaska. $60,977.
  • California. $60,798.
  • Massachusetts. $60,580.
  • North Dakota. $60,458.
  • Indiana.
Jul 17, 2024

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9 Highest Paying Trade Jobs
  • #1. Construction Manager. There are several methods of getting your first job as a construction manager. ...
  • #2. Elevator Mechanic. ...
  • #3. Dental Hygienist. ...
  • #4. Ultrasonographer. ...
  • #5. Boilermaker. ...
  • #6. Electrician. ...
  • #7. Plumber. ...
  • #8. HVAC Technician.
Feb 5, 2024

How can a carpenter increase salary? ›

How to earn more as a carpenter
  1. Perform side jobs. Most carpenters who work full-time also perform additional jobs to earn extra income. ...
  2. Work extra hours. ...
  3. Create items that you can sell online. ...
  4. Start your own company. ...
  5. Start a carpentry blog.
Jul 2, 2024

Do carpenters make a good living? ›

Carpenters made a median salary of $51,390 in 2022.

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Carpenters tend not to find their jobs stressful, which likely contributes positively to career satisfaction.

How much do local 27 carpenters make? ›

Salaries by job title at Carpenters' Local 27
Job titleTotal Pay Base | Additional
Journeyman Carpenter 1 Salaries submitted $96K-$105K 0 open jobs$96K-$105K
Flooring Installer 1 Salaries submitted $114K-$126K 0 open jobs$114K-$126K
Infantry 1 Salaries submitted $48K-$52K 0 open jobs$48K-$52K
3 more rows

What is the largest carpenters union? ›

The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) is one of North America's largest building trades unions, with over a half-million members. With pride in our more than 135-year history, we strive for job fairness and family-sustaining wages and benefits.

How much does a union Carpenter make per hour in Florida? ›

As of Aug 10, 2024, the average hourly pay for an Union Carpenter in Florida is $10.46 an hour.

What's the highest paying union job? ›

High Paying Union Jobs
  • Union 32Bj. Salary range: $100,000-$355,500 per year. ...
  • Union Construction. Salary range: $71,000-$115,500 per year. ...
  • Solar Union. Salary range: $59,000-$112,000 per year. ...
  • Union Cdl Driver. ...
  • Ibew Electrical Union. ...
  • Union Plumber. ...
  • Labor Union Representative. ...
  • Union Scaffolding.

What is the highest paid union building trades? ›

The Highest-Paying Construction Jobs
  • Boilermakers.
  • Construction and Building Inspectors. ...
  • Pile Driver Operators. ...
  • Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators. ...
  • Tapers. ...
  • Structural Iron and Steel Workers. ...
  • Electricians. Median hourly wage: $28.96. ...
  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters. Median hourly wage: $28.89. ...
Jun 29, 2024

What is the Carpenter Union raise for 2024? ›

Effective July 1, 2024, there will be an increase of $4.82 allocated as follows: $3.62 to Basic Hourly Rate, $0.38 to Health & Welfare, $0.15 to Pension, $0.31 to Vacation/Holiday, $0.07 to Training, and $0.29 to Other.

How much do union carpenters make in Sacramento CA? ›

As of Aug 4, 2024, the average hourly pay for an Union Carpenter in Sacramento is $15.40 an hour.


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