The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

Proptrfy ,44 44 Qpwrf)tfe 16 Satfta Hili Hsmti Soft Sutk Wild Wuit Soft 2S Th Pifhburgri Press, April 30, 'So SPOT SPOT 33 City 6 Suburbs Houses far Soft H.KIN'Hil Kd is.niia PRINCETON PARK condition; he.t; close Mr Riadbury, PE 1-1771. e. vw. i lit Im I. prllnn WILKINSRURG.

Remington Prise Mimrm. 4 bedrooms, 2 tut hi. i einm, cleaner; CI. ap- i Chun hill 1-71101. K.KSM Rfi IH PI.I $1000 DOWN dM'Ict: (10 Sim PFAWiiol) REALTY.

CH -((( WILKINVHLR Rom Ave hnme 'id income 7 ro-'tnt and bafh. and int and ba'h, inn NEW HOMES $7500 UP ON YOUR LOT OR OURS If yu pinnlnc to bullfl ynnr him, coiituct us firt ir th Ifirct Bf lp( hum f1flf in Hi arra Ovr 1 -O0 irt (or your home. Will build iny-n-if. Cnrrariinf. Harfl J-8793 or Kfvstnn 7 -K't HOME or investment, hrvk anrt tl! fSrippM)f, 9 rfniJt.

3 battn 3 kttrh-fim. fmnt and tar wuiancwi, solid ct-ncrrtf ffunilxti'in, Imt water hrai. as, enufitf crllar, 4 rms and bath at Kar (rfi)tM H'Tnlock 1 R44, -1 Tuxrdo 1-5040. REALLY "NICE $7900 Colored vtinlf. 5 r'ms, bath, atflr, dnut-i Krdn, landwapM. EXECUTIVE'S HOME an nort m)nut All utillt' mnith brltn. Airport Realty. Oxford 33A North Suburbnn Houii For Salt AI.I.M.H1VTT COLONIAL SQI4KIS OFK M.KMI.Iir KD. F5 hnr 11 fin ll'imr lur fmniljr bushl: iiry bic r'm. 3 lri! bclnnnn, mimic bPlilll- fMliy dfrO'tlPd.

cull ng. Ilililled kltlhen Including eler- irlc rariL-e md 10' refrigerator, garage. lot, well shrlllibcil and with fnlli treel, perfect enliven. S24 000. water is for Spot." "The drink of 34 Cost fnd Houifi Selc KAST 710 North Butty; rtiorns.

bith. Iruelbnc. moilfrn tfrior: 2-i'ir tnme tutsr. cmivenlpnt I' hO'ilv tiiii-sporution, tliopping A1- mi $10,600. Alter 9 p.

m. Montrose KAST Eii'1 9J'2-ronm liiRflbrtrk. Ar unspd three famlllei, heit; ex- cfiicnt conditiuo. Owner, Hlland t-llivint SIibi WOlPl haitlwijod (lir, moitern bilh. ne wirinj, piumoinjMontiose i-iiaia.

KAST Lberty 7-loom hrlck. bilhT tir hfit: redemrited ln.ide; i-lei. Garfield $A7l0 $500 down. $60 month Dinna off No. Atlantic, fonmy 5-iuom home with bath, furnace, porch fc yaid.

For ippt. call Jnhn V. K. Kelly OR. 1-H9X4 rimcit'i nn trinc-irf 2 $6200 bolh.

I HOFFMANN AGENCY '4716 Liberty Ave. Ml'. 2-3452 l-SSooldwellingV 4 roomi i. Patn each. Only GARFIELD 4-ruom brtcx.

bath, lit PtrM condition, 3 buck furnace, yard, p.ily wall, good con-: lhoro lealed dition, S'iSOO, C. J. Hoffman Agency. haement. scweicd, paved driveway at Museum 2-3452.

oul slop, $14 900. GRAHAM. Kmcaid 2-famll brick; 8 Mofl for Jefftr Homel rooms, bath: gas furnace, copper'. uiT7 RCtl TV Til I plurnoint; nice big lot; good condi-. BlAlg.

HtLIT liU. I U. I 'jujO lion $0500. G.I cu- CMiventionlai. 1 BAi.nw'IN'.Whitehlll NEW brlrk WE HAVE A HOME FOR YOU buiw, elabnrately itene-EARI.

MrKlNI.EY HI 1 -64 06 irlmmed (eaturlnf inarininl rooms, AIIH.III (111 MY MIRTH Brick ranch. 6 rnnmi and bath 3 bed- city water; bus al door. Office open Mon eve 7 In 9 PINK AI.IVCY 15 E. 1-2452 Babco*ck BlvdT Th preitirst house on the Blvd. Massive tmiindj, well slirubbed.

Ideal for children 4 bedrooms, large olnlng room full basem*nt PKKUI TO Rllf, MRMMHII IdtM I.AI'REI. Gardens. 152 First Avemi--New m.klern brn ranch. 3 bedrooms, tile bath. Integral gaiase, lot 60x125 ail utili'les.

complete with cement walki; SI 1. 800 William Helm A Son'. Builders, WrMlngmn 1-1134 LAUREL Gardens Cape Cod l'2-ftory frame dwelling. 3 bedrooms (neewway, garage. $12,000, Forest 4-6S46 I AMywigSlii Aava 1 "a 1 nvibj A BRAND NEW LISTING oenruom ranch nicely laililSCaped.

lUSt 6 ver nlr! Vl. atorm yeaia oio. Davea wan to wall carnet. ceramic mioom.

JI7.500 Vol est 4-4558. HIRNH5RD nr LONGVTB Al'lt. No. 7 3-IkOioimb brick Colonial: screened porch, awnings, dishwasher, other extras avail-ante; immediately. Forest 4-6153 MARSHALL AVE fil.NI INF HKII III PUT Modem attractive, many valuable features A good buy at 1 9 900 mi.

1,1 CO. pi Township $18 900 Beautiful colonial house. 6 large rooms on level acre corner lot. dishwasher, water softener and many Plher cxlras FO. 4-8897.

Mcknight road area If You are looking fur a VVI.I.I.-BI ll.T HOME, then yuu Kill enlnv a yislt to Ibis hrlrk l4 fr(urn, a 30 fl. living room, 13x13 dllilnr room. 2 tile balhs. extra lane 2-car garage; 30 11. side porch: "I -acre landscaped lot MANY I t.XIR$ R2VAIIO.

UK AN il McKnighl -KNIGHT PhoppiiiR District 2. mtv nru-R nomp. ronmii. mlh. tntc fiial tfliare.

natio flrnliir- nrw Utid.H-aPfd. Foi 4 3 1 9 Mil I VAI I rnnmi. SHaiium Ave. T.xt gas furna(e, low laxes. well itimtatned pl wit 1 0.900.

Financing ananed RILEY REAL ESTATE IAYI.OR 1-16K4 orf.S SUNDAYS Mt. Royal's Choice HOMES fiom 115.000 up Ranches Stories 2 Stories HUnter 6 8133 AT. 1-2300 PORTER MacDOWELL CO. MT. Royal l's-ntory buck, laiKe living ruum, aepaiate dining room, tile bath, 2 bedroom, hot air sun furnace, larue palm, miecral sarase.

Near schools, chunhea, tiansportalion. 1 $14,800 Immediate possesion. Hunt- er fi-4HK5. II City 6 Suburban Nevsti for Salt evfl Green 3-ncdruor inure: gai nd MONROEVILLE int'l'IT MMlMAPin LOT 1,,. -roum hm ith glass en- closed pnrcn.

3 bcdioomi. modem Interim. Iireplsce outside pet in AV fireplace: 2-car puce 18.50. KMi lol vaneoie. ill owner VA 3-8370 ItoNRuEVILLr.

New buck ranch. Monroe Heights owner iiausicrn-n bedrooms, ceramic huh. 2 log-burning Ii water streets t1, 5.iV ijONROFVIT.T.E brick 111 iamUraiwd lit -n villcy 3-2979 U'NHALL Garden. Modern 6 -room hrlrk. iincf, cas furnace, norm many cxH-as.

Akinf $14 900. Homestead Ml. Royal Village GLENSHAW 2 New Homes 2 1,000 Both on President Drive I Rooms, 2 Baths, Garagi Terrific Buy WORK REAL ESTATE CO. "More for Your Money" 100 rOX CHAPEL ROAD STERLING 1-8700 sorih twp. Jgew R-rivm bin mull kitrhen.

epaia'e d.nnlginom, stone log-bin lime fi.epia,e. laue gameroom lien 2-car filched gauge. Iaige lot, lit tlay peiglinor ponq uoo HI II MIN A(il VI.IT -millO OAKMONT SMART COLONIAL $25,900 BATH POWDER RM. A nnr prlct hom ihowinr tK Invinf cut of proud ownm. 24 ft.

Ilvinf rm. 3 twin iit bid-rooms. Exciilent lindcpinf laitrful d'coration i beautifully flnilhfd room O'HARA TWP. TERRIFIC $18,900 SMART CAPE COD Rarely ia on agent ao enthusiastic concerning; a new listing. A moat attractive, larger, new home, suell Incated an ft frand U-acrc lot.

Three big; bedrooms, large etiarate dining room, ceram nic tile i bath powder outstanding closet apace, imart kitchen and a I nnoiom. O'HARA TOWNSHIP RANCHER $14,000 AN AIX HPICK HOME ON A BEAUTIFUL '150 FOOT LOT. 3 BEDROOMS, THE BATH RECREATIONAL ROOM AND ONE CAR GA-RA' A LOVELY LOCATION. WORK REAL ESTATE CO. "Mor lor Your Moiey" 100 FOX CHAPEL ROAD STERLING 1-6700 HARA Township, Montrose Hill l'j-itory brick.

4 roomi. bath, first floor. Spare for 2 Iaige rooms, second Integral garage, gas furnace, gtnrm windows, rement patio. Iaige level lot, $11,900. Call Oakmont 712.

TWP. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS $19,900 Excellent Lot a Location The belt buy by far in the en- tira taatern Subutba juat put on market for immediate aal two-rar farte many extrsa. PENN TWP HIGHLAND ROAD R-room, 2-story brick on level landscaped lot. attached gatase llh level drive, ceramic tile halh. cnmmmle In bisemetit Lisaied on dead-end Itreet, 1 bl'H'k from school iniiiUc buses: (Juiet refined quality neighborhood.

A real value it 17,900. tall Mr Black. CH 1-4359. GREATER PITTSBURGH REALTY COIRT 1-122R PENN TWP. RANCH $21,500 Lot 100x200, 6 rooms, tile bilh.

log-burning flrepiace. gameroom, toilet and ihower in basem*nt, i garage), eil landsciped: immediate po-ses-aion. Call owner Sycamore 3-0299. FENN twp $12,900. lij-stoty brick.

years 4 rooms and tile bath on list. 2 future rooms on second. Integral tar e. large, level landscaped lol. gas heat, paved drive and niher extras Owner.

Churchill 1-30U5 PKNN Two. -New 4-5-6 rms I 000. Split lev, 500 to $18 000. Spilt levels and ranches 3-1472 Builder, Svcamoie 3-5027; PENN-Townshlp Brick, 5-ronms; finished second, lot 60x140, Slam-leet steel storm windows, Venetian bunds. Uitegial gaiage.

$11,200. Svcamoie 3-5335. PENN Tow nsliip Attractive 4-year-old brick, 5 rooms, lile hath. land-Shaped level lot, large patio over attached camge. Original owner leaving S'Sle Asking $13.500 CH 2-0192 Township Two-siory brick.

6 rooms, ceramic tile bath, stone fireplace. Iniegral garage; $16,500. Owner, Vallee 3-0640 TENN Township Ideal 6-room brlrk, Integral gatage. storm doors, windows; $13 900 Owner. Fremont 1-8180.

PENN Twp 6roi)in brick; balh: ras furnace: Integral gnage; Venetian bunds. Fremont 1-2125. ROBINSON Township Near schools; l'j nory vellow brick; 6 rooms, tile kitchen and balh; Integral garage; fibreglasr awnings: low taxes; $13,900, Owner. Cat negie58 19.1. ROSEDALE- 8 -room frame, 2-stoiy, large lot, one block to everytning.

$10 500 PE 1-6QQ4. SEWICKl.EY. Aleppo Tp 2 mfies lo Sewickley; 2-bedronm stone, bath, knotty pine living room, hardwood floors; automatic heat, lull basem*nt; acre lawn, fully shrubbed; $9100. Ownei Sewickley SHARPSRURt; 8 rooms, ba'h: In a row of 3. excellent repair tluoulioilt near schools, transportation; $6200.

HI 1-5000 SHARPSRCRll Flie rooms. plus attic, unltimi kitchen. Inlaid linoleum, fiirtiae, laundry. ihower Venetian blinds $8000 Hilltop 3-342 SHARPSRI RC. 1202 Penis SI fisme dwelling.

4 families. Income $170 month. $500. Emerson 1 4015 SHI RWI S-RM PR GI APPROVED $12,350 located on Sherwood Ave. 2 blocks fiom schools and shopping.

Lovely pink rahineis tile balh eommode in basem*nt, large porch, paved drive, level yard. CI 5 down. 30-yt. n-ortcage CLEMENTE-SOMMERVILLE BLDRS. i 1 1 mk A 1-4137 SHF.RADEN Near Ungley and Holy Linoccnts.

8-room. 2-family home, low taxes, good condition, termi avaii-able. $8900. John Heii, Walnut l-lfino SliERADEN Modem 6 room brick, fss furnace, gaiage. Istge lot.

near At Hoiv Innoccnls, excellent rondltion location $11,500. John lies- Walnut 1-1900 SHERADEN 9 room home, 2 balhi aitanged 2 families gas furnace, rear transportation, schools: Ideal for Children Jfisoo. Federal 1-2068. SHEflADEN 10-rnoro buff buck. Suitable 3-3 families; gaiage; 2 r-ouble porches.

Vcaeral 1-147, SWAN Acres Resullful Country Fs-tale, Mislern home, 7 rooms, 3 balhs, gamerivm, 2-car gsiaje, one acre emond John R. Alesander, Allanlic 1-7322 Near St Barnaha" lovely K-riw-m bliik escellen condl-t on lage Owner. $13,800 i.of.3 VEST Miff: in A-ronrri bro-k. ras furnaie range, wail lo wall rarpernz. 2nd fl'Hil nianv exttas.

P.scelleni Askinr $15 500. James R. t.arvey. Homestead 1-8686- 1 -0470 VEST Mifflin Cenlral Imalinu: beautiful level iocs; all utilities, plus brick hoii.e Hotisrt 6-3507. II III.

DUPLEX $11,900 111 5-tMom apartment Willi bn'h II 7-room apartment with I1, Ka'hs gaiage. Iaige (of veiy good l-lglilwii sepsiate furnaces eotunrei. Call Mr. Biadhuif, pr Wilkinsburg R. E.

I Trust Co. WILKINSBURG 19 Liwrenceville Bntler St. l-fsmlly hrlrk. semi tie tllltlea. Income $1S0 per mimih.

Pnce $13.70 F. W. aiifiUhnAULE CO. JO. 1-0441 OAKLAND 2540 FIFTH AVENUE 3-story brick rommemil At pi Annual Income $2460, expenses iian $17 oon MAT.

RKALTY CO TU. THOMAS Blvd. near Fifth $1700 3-famlly apt. bldr leparate porches, lit: IS) 2nd; i4i 3rd. 3 ras heat, rrlnclpaia only.

MO. 1 -9 1 .10. WHITEHALL OFFICE BUILDING 17-rm. profesional A itenti leninii. Income $7000.

Expenses $1000. Price $55,000. MAT7. RKALTY CO TU l-BH WILK1NSBURG Brick and til duplet, each floor roomi, bath and sun-parlor; gas heat. 2-car detached garage Price $li3 nno Odkmont Realty Oakmont 529 SHOPPING renter South Hills; 19 temntr Income $26,000: low expenses.

Will take apartment bide, as part payment Price $2:15,000 Agent, Express 1-2620; Jackson BUILDING it stoieioom Income now S27UO pel year Cm be increased. Low taxes. $12,500. Call Mr. Portnoy.

Hu.el 1-1 790 eves or Saul Kineouig Rejl Rsiete. Museum 1-4449 APARTMENTS (8i 11 attached gi- i ritei. Pnrtlcally new, ail In first- cisss conouion. vacancies: pavi better than 114k net. Owner, Churchill 2-2S39.

BRICK 6-fmily. gai heal, 4 II roomi, bath. 2 5 looms-, bath, annual income. $5040. expensei $19.10.

Will finance. $10,000 cash needed. Owner. Atlanllc 1-7322. BUILDERS and developers wauled See Builders and Developers under Business Opportunities fur Information.

39 A Industrial Propcrtit Per Soli 12.000 Sq. Ft. 5-itory and daylight basem*nt brick arid Heel tiame; Ideal for manufacturing or warehouse, Norlh Side. Attractive price. Emerson 1-7617 40 Properties Sot Mcknight road 790 feet commercial frontact on same side and between shopping ceri-lers tall owner.

FO. 4-5256. BUILDING Route 180; suitable commercial or Industrial; equipped now as gas station At hardwire: must sacrifice; other Interesil. Vllley 3-9677, or Valley 3-0222. 41 Farmt and iercojt BUTLER Smith acrei.

2-rnom cottage, utilities. Ashing, $4700: 50 acrea, stream. $5500. M. 1-5034 BUTLER.

South 11 acres, wooded, mall route, $4 500; 3 45 acres, macadam, utilities. $1800. EM. BUTLER. South 2'', acrei, bungalow.

6 moms, gauge, macadam, Catholic School bus, $11,500. EM. 1-5034. DORSEYVILLE DISTRICT Campbell Road. 10 icres, high ground, wooded, for development $1250.

Sign on property. CREF.NSBURG 4 icres 400' micadam frontage. roomi, bath, conveniences, fruit. bank barn, EM. 1-5034.

PYMATI'NING Area 143 acres, partly wooded, will divide. Private lake. Fertilized gardens and pasture, 2 aitrictlve hnmei on property. In excellent condition, other buildings, paved road $25,000. Owner.

Pen- hllrst 1-2005, 163 ACRE Dairy-Poultry farm, miles Saitsburg on B'alrsvtlie Road. 2 modern homes, modern 2-barn dairy, 3 acre lase. stocked bass, blue gills, ran sell fishing rlrhts, large machine shed, new chicken house (accommodates lOOOi; school bus Route. E. J.

Bliss. RD 1. Clarksburg, Pa. 3 miles from Clarksburg on Blaln-vllle Rd. FOR Salt reir Kane, 30 acres Hemlock arrive: trout stream, good hunting, good springs: also camp utes.

Write or call Joe Rolick. Box 186. James city. Pa Phone 6082-R22. WANTED Rent or buy like rent Small farm or bouse with large srard Will ma ke small remlrs.

HI', 1-7 5 64 BUILDERS and Developers Wanted See Builders and Developers under Buslress Opportunities for information. 4A Ouf-of-Towo Real Ejfote CONNEAUT Lake Park New home and 2 cottages Will sacrifice. Call Rosewood 1-P015 ImoiSb Country Home Three acrei on pavement. Venango County, ten mile! from Route 8. Ideal for summer home and or huntlne.

fishing camp Fhune Canonsburg, SH. 5-3568 evenings. 418 Hunting Poets -Rent. Sad ERIK on Lake 4-room flirting cottage, mme furnishings, $t00. Write 140.

Press S5 Acre Huntlne 3 east Cambridge Springs. Write 2921 Cochran Erie. 42 Wonted' Rcof Estate SOUTH HILS OWNERS 1 need a ample home in good condition between S10.000-S1.VOOO or a duplex or 2-(amily home between Slf.000 and $2,1000 tn Mil, Call Immediately Mr. Tuccerl, EV. 1-0-OOu.

HAVE CASH BUYERS For doubles. At. 1-8698 rows, Plrasa call URGENTLY need $8000 working capital. Will repay $10 000 at 6 f. Interest within 15 yean.

Writt 176. Press WANTED to "Buy Office building or commercial building and office building ln Downtown Triangle area: must be priced right Principals only All replies striclly confidential. Wrlle. giving location, price, description, etc. 172.

Press. WE need your home urgently: buyers waiting Mt. Lebanon. Bethel. Scott, Upper St.

Clair. Peters. (Jreentree. Call anytime. PARK1.ANE TE.

5-7373 WL BUY MORTGAGES T. J. Shermer, Prick Bldg. CR. 1-8961 43 Financial Morfjojeg MORTGAGE MONEY HIR Rl 61 IIIIIMi Rl Mlllin.lM,, RU IN NI INfl 5.000 35 MONTHLY $10.000 70 MONTHLY $15.000 $105 MONTHLY CRAIG H.

CRUGAN CO. CO. 1-6408 First National Hank Building Courteous Attention li All Inquires 5 MORTGAGE MONEY Available Immediately, Kevstona Federal Savings Ar Loan Association of sharpsburg. 905 Mam St Sharpsburg. Sleillng 1-0556.

LOT as partial security. Ruslness man and wife need $4500 Can repay $130 month plus Interest. Phone Carnegie 644R. 44 Business Opportunities Practice Monlhly accounts; varied businesses. All or part: woik home Wrne 165: Press ACCOUNTING Monthly accounts for sale Write Box 16 1, press.

BAKER Shop Good equipment and location: industrial town, 30 miles east Pittsburgh. Doing good huslness Selling because of health. Blackburn 8-7319, BAKERY Wllh Ice Cream Bar and Luncheonette Excellent location near shopping center: good eouipment 20 miles Plltshiirgh. Owner retiring. Wrlle I 13 5, Press.

RAKER Smsll retail business and equipment $3000; $30 month rent. Small living quarters also available. Present owner selling after 1 1 years. Rox 1 1 9, Press. BAKERY Shop Small enough for one man and helper operation.

Good location. Write 190. Presi BAR-Festaurant McKeea Rooks, Ken-mawr District. Including 2 apartment. (Other Interests.

Federal 1-4293; evenings. Fecleie' 1-9093. RARBER ihop for sa 524 Lincoln Bellcvue. BEAUTY F' on sheraden. well established: other lnu-reais: no reasonable offer refused Federal 1-5045 or 10675.

BEER Distributorship license, and 86 cooler. Fee paid until May 1957. .1 2 30 Valley 4-5528. REKR and Lluuor License and equipment, Brnddock. Pa.

Musi Mil. make offer. 1 224 Braddork Ave BODY Shop For sals or rent; North Side; centrally located for 35 years Large simp, equipped; rood for S'aie Inspection Retiring. Fairfax 1-3533; Hunlelr 8-8875. RUII.D1NC Brlrk and Ille, 2 itorles.

50H0, fast growing section, garage service and Inspection station, showroom, parts department, suitable for car agency or light manufacturing. 300 fl. from railroad siding. Access tn Ris. 8 and 19: 18 miles north of Plllsburgh.

Equipment pari and building a rer' at $30,000. 179. Press ITY Llauor License With or without flxtpres. Reasonable. Court 1-9254 CLEANING Shop Norlh Side location Ustahllslied 10 years Doing ion gross weekly.

Illness. Cedar 1-8858 after ft CLEANING Pickup Store New neon and wall sum, counter and floor Ideal comer locatlgii. ReasonsbH rent, No money down, CE 1-9145, CLEANING and Tailoring Shop Good local Inn. wonderful business Selling because nf Illness, FA. 2-0890.

CLEANING and I'siiotlng Shop Best location In Oakland Other Iniereslu. Call 9 to 6 Mai flower 1-0602 CONFECTIONERY Operating with good profit; Ire gream, toys, lunch meats, heveragei; forced to retiie. WV 1-T627 DENTAL Equipment Complete: must sell due to III health. $100. Mayflower 1-01 1 I iTnucsTi'RF, Good location, Wash ington, pennsviwina.

ic-cn in for vears porrek to sell immedialr'v i in aaln. Call Fa 1B66. WANTED To Buy Liquor llen la Bethel Borough. Write 177 Fresi. 46 MiJCtflontoui So DDING Marhlnei Typewriters Sold, rented, repaired Used mirhlnei from $25.

fVew mscliinei from $69 95. $5 down, monthlv. Free parking Mc-Karren Tyuewriier 604 Liberty, Atlantic 1-7443. ADDING Machine. $4 5.

check writer. $20. mimengiaph, $35; iddreuini machine. $40: typewriter, $13, wood desk, $3 steel hie. $.12.50, comp-tometer, $75.

Milton Weiner. Court 1-2721. ADDINU Machlnei Typewrllen. Sold, Rrnled, Repaired. Portable Typewriters, ill nukes for graduation time1.

827 Ohio Allegheny ADDING Machines. Typwrliers. Sold, rented, reputed. Dealer. AT.

1-8J20. AIR (OMHIIOM KS Installed. IS ton As low ai $1090. Harrlion. Roie- wood 1-7731, anvtlme ALUMINUM (NEW) ROOFING I SIDING CORRUGATED Structural Steel Cnmptet Stork on Hand Posts-Concrete Rods-Platei Fabricatinq Services HO WAITING THE BUNCHER CO.

Dintriba. fan of Rtynoldi fV Metaa 835 Shore Av. FA. 1-4950 "Oiiea Sitirfav far fair Caimatiaev' Angles, Steel Beams, Plates, Pipe, Reinforcing Bars USED STRUCTURAL STEEL I TEderal 1-2929 AM, If IRONS, Mill, RE. 4.

MR Bldg. Materials. New Used I Lumber, Sash, all slps. Brick. Stone, ripe, new aim usen.

uuors, aa up. Roofing. Plexiglass. AUSTIN G1VENS. INC.

100 Sandusky SI N. S. FA. 1-2464 Road. Neville Island IK.

1-0577 ANTfoi'ES Collection of antlotii I flreatnis consisting of 19 cased set biiindeibusaefl, revolving ride, flintlocks, cap and ball, wheel lock, and many other tiies of firearms; also 50 swords, edge weapons from 15th Century up. John Riown 300 Brut rat Street, West Btidgewater. Penna. i Aiiei 8 ome Spruce 4-0789. open I Sunday ifler 1.

ARMV Surplus 5 gal, gas cans, $150 In nuant 4 carloads of machine screws, inks, paints; also truikt salvage, inert handise. Dealer! only. World Suipliis and Salvage I Magee. AT. 1-843 I ARMY us cms, $1 49: foimlcl SIR 61, $3 on: water cans: pup tents, $4 95.

SH Green sumps. Outdoor A Sill plus. 1 Saw Mill Run, opposite Minute Car Wasp AWNINGS SAVE From factory direct to yuu: CUrt'om made In vour specUlcallons ho 'l-ni IH, rt' a. -4: tPm. Aluminum, finer glass, mad, factory to vou.

Buy diretl amj have. Sierhng 1-8411. Barrels, Steel, RubfWAl $3 50 rlrl I $6 we, EV. 1-264 BARBECUE Marliine Commercial, gas; veiy reasonable. See at 1717 Murray Ave Jackson 1-1712.

barrels-rubbishpaWd" dcLa for $6, ST. 1-17111 dealer BARRELS Steel, rubbish. Plinted" uiidercoili-d. bottoms, lid; $3 50; 2 for $6 delivered. O'Leary.

Museum 3-0354 BEER COOLER xl0x7 6. al! Heel complete with unit. Will finance This is a cancellation. Will ini al cost. Dealer, MA.

l-6bJ2, Eves. EM. 1-0616. BEVEKAliK Cooler 5. at 50 off.

b-case. 12-case and 24-cae. Also combinalion beverage cooler-refrlgeia-tor; comtnnation beverast cooler-ka inaKcr, i Lioerty Avp BOOKKEEPINi; Machine NCR. el-ceilent tondilion, rcaaonable cieoige K. Stevenson Oiuer and High- lann aiontrme 1-1605.

BtKKKKtVIN(Aoitii7tng 4k Bllln machines. Covernment Sin plug for til recnui maktiu and cnmputinf pur-P. Taylor 1-2038. Mr Sha fTer BRICKS AND STONE Rill. Hsltll BRKKS.

500,000, $10 per used. Also Hiown, citay, Red for tale al Die job. 10U Peon Ave. R. (lsi AIR WRECKING BOO AI.I.K.III NV AVE.

k. I-41'IR CABINET Bases 2i also 68' unk. all for $125. Will sell separately Spiinrdsle 16.1;',W. BUILDING Materials Used lumber.

$50 pel sheeting, $j0 per timber, $10 per M. corrugated tin. $60 per M. miscellaneous materials at low, st pin es. FR 1-7608.

Building Materials Used All kinds of lumber, steel, I-beams angle, hot air and hot water boilers, steam and hot water radiators. 100 teel ssh. lo.oon ft. of flaring at $25 per 50.000 It. at $40 per 6" iron plive.

Om.laer. nested 10-U Saw Mill Hun Blvd. Hubbard 1 -6066 CABINET. Will hold 10 guns Also shelves. Antique hind rirved $25, Homestead 2-0768, CASES Modern.

Candy cssei, enough for a Iaige store: like new. Reasonable. Locust 1-7278, CENTRIFUGE Laige: eieclnc imlll oven diver; engineering drawing table; Fisher Sienlllic balance scales, surveying Aneroid, piecision Wei gai meter. Webster wire recorder; DeJur Versatile enlarger and negative carrier camera and focusing Onder; Exacts Camera, complete accessories. Keystone projector.

Jackson 1-0839 CHAIRS CHROME SPECIAL Nf Tavern, clubi. Wide iclection of colon. $3.9. AMimrtN F.Qi'ipvrNT co. 1233 PENN AVE.

A I LAN I IC 1-0977 OI'IN SI Mm COBBLESTONE Su. table foi driy-wav mil, all Sycamore J-10S. COCA COLA Cooler ceilent conoltlori. Valley 3-2784. OxiLEH Enamel, walk-In.

6 x'; vegetaule siand, frorcn food rise, sheer, meat grinder, miscellineogi. Wellington 1-2007R. DAIRY case 8', with compressor; sheer, srtle. nop coaler: cssh leglsier; good condition: 5300 Hrmhsk 1 -8309 DEEP Fieerers 1 I cu Upright. 8 months old: Hi 20 cu.

ft self-service. i2i 20 cu. ft. che.t types: 10' double-duty meal cue: mn-eehanenui. Batgaiu prices, Lehigh 1-2M 4 DESKS Office desk; Wood; nice ron-dition: reasonable; biusl sell.

Locust 1- 8J 81 DISPLAY rise 8' sliding dotus. bottom diswers, sacrifice 6518 Wilkins Avenue. Jules Fl(wer Sitop. ELECTRIC Train HO Sneikera, hi-h amplifier. Revere tape recorder; Fairfax 2-6129.

FACE BRICK ROCK LATH Insulation Immadiata Delivery HOUSTON-STARR CO. 300 Brushton Ave. CH. 1-8475 riSHING TACKLL SAVE New Models, Mllcnell, l.uior, Shekespraie Johnaon. Hundredi of others Freed wrlle Reels.

Bog 4 28. FREEZER Self service commerc'ilf 5 A-l condition. 711 Braddnck Biaddoc. Biandywlne bRENCH Doots 2 sets, wllh hardware. 2-1x89: 2 sets shutters, (0x25; reasonable.

Museum 2-1543 FrIgIDAIRE 8 ft. double duty, Meal scale, bolh excellent condition. Reasonable, Haael 1-3934. GARAGE Door Overhead. "Mi Keg" 14 ft.

wide by 6 x8 high, 1J," llilrk wllh low headroom, haidwaia. i.ianed with 3 coats of white paint, slightly used. $125 Locust 1-1750. CASTE 427 Cochran Rrl GARAGE door haicrvrare. new.

overhead. Frinu. No 80 16 sell, sacrifice. $1 each. Alberts Construe Hon Co HO.

1-5464-Onhard 3JS87. i. AS conversion burner "R'cpuiflc. excellent condliton; make offer. 1-9778 (AS KNACK (New I.

Forced air automatic controls. Will hest 8 rooms. $162 50. Han isun. Rosewood 1-7731.

anytime ((INMRlslON BIRNIR ATI coniiols. $15 Call Harrison, Rose-woodl-7731. anytime. GROt'Ef'Y Rlora Walk-in Cooler. 8 year guarantee, reasonahle, Homestead 1-4206 or Homestead 1-4 189 ICE cream (softi machines (Jij rootT heer barrel, walk -in nailer; pi her equipment.

Call evenings, gvramnre 3-1660: UoNKL Rcpatis: trains, reduced. We BuvSeil. Conklm Radio, Lincoln. HI- land I 1632 LOCUST Posls All yr.r, reasonable" Call Locust 1-9097. between S-7 m.

LUMBER $119 per delivered. SPAONOt, LUMRER CO Export, Pa Phone Export LUMBER-USED 6" I0'-18 I2" 2" 8" 8M6' 2" CARSON STEEL CC; FEderal 1-2929 DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Oldest esiaousned iciail ury cieanlnf buslneta In Homewond. fullf eoilipped No reasonable otter fur eiiuipment ill he relused a I mint lell due to Illness. Business Hill bemr operated Reasonable rent for iioreroom and lure oik area. Only Inteiested par lies write I in.

r.asr nrw. liuih r.ivnne Reil.llne and Juve nile Stoie Hull prolit. Low rent, $10,000 inventory. Oilier uitereit. Wrne 12, Press.

KOCJD-Maiket Good grtsny. meat, produce, a dieam come true for a good butcher nt afraid of haid wrok, ri-tablished 2 yean: 2D mile from Pittsburgh. Doing now $4000 weekly. Ill health. Don't Pi thli upl 113, r'less FOOD Market Complete i lorner location.

Doing 'd business. Priced fur quick sale. Hubhaid 1-7 1 24. GAS Slalion Eal Liberty: 2 bar; room to exmnd, (other intereiui. Emerson i -m i i OENERAL Tuol Diessing Biacksmilh ihop.

tell or lease; enaonsneu o-'-ness; tiKid opportunity lor right party. 175. Press GROCERY Sture Claiion County. weil-establUhed. fully equipped; 2 apts.

2nd fluor: 6 rooms. 4 rooms. Call Sundays, MU. -0'f06: evenmis. MA.

1-1176 GROI'EKY-Dliry If you ate Interested tn gmcery and dairy ikne combination, call me, I will give you a ihat ii" one elsa can much. Chunhlll l-07(t. GROCERY Confectionery Doing $7fi0 weekly Shorl hourg; hiv oirier interests. Priced to sell. A.

J. Tum-Inello. Cedar 1-5200. GROCE It Y-Mea I-Produce-Frozen Service; with or without property, no reasonable otter relused. Hlland 1-2674.

GROCERY Store Living no compel, Hon Must lell on account of death. Penliurst 1-8790; GROCERY 50th year. South llllll neighborhood location; ideal for couple; living quarters optional. Locust 1-1339 HARDWARE self-service; Inventory ahout $10,000. Modern futures; low rent.

Dissolving partner- shlo Wrlle 163, Press, llO'l'EL 1 rooms' all newly furnished: established business; handy to cllv. Write Box 124. Press ICE CRPAM-DI SSIRT SENSATION EXCLUSIVE Wholesale manufacturer needi partner, acthe or Inactive, to help finance new product; ten marketed, exceptionally good public approval. Investment small In comparison to returns Write Box Pi51- Prtv for appointment. i JOBBER For established Retail Co-2 i business; Metropolitan Pittsburgh area.

I Box 122 Press. LAUNDROMAT Well established. 5512 Walnut Street. Call Mornings, MU. 2-1765.

iLlylJOR License Plul fixture. Including (2 1 5-ton alr-conditioneri, very cheap. Grant 1-9131 Shop with business: fully i equipped: good opnortunllv: other Interests Minnick Model Trimmer 204 Dufly Coraopolli. Amherst 40805 NEWS Slaiid-Confectlonery-Toys Es tablished location; low rent, Wilited'a Jeftcrson. OMo, 'POULTRY Firm Ideal location.

I acres, slippery Rock Cieek. not operating; 30 x80' two-story concrete block I poultry house, 6-room bungalow, city 1 convenlencei, turkey pen and brooder house T. Murphy. 2812 West Broad Street. Richmond.

Va. PRINT Shop Merging Robertson camera; 12x18 Kluge automatic; paiier culler; hand type; mile. Llnolype ma's CH. 2-2313 PRODUCE MARKET Corner location, main tliorouirhfsirt. Priced for oulck sale, BR.

1 RESTAURANT Onus $1250 to $1500 for 5-day week, Monday through Eridav. Opeiaie only 284 davs year. Air conditioned, stainless steel: spotless. Books and records wide open. 1 5.0111) down Will help finance balance.

Wrlle 14M. Press. RESTAURANT On main highway, next lo large uck terminal; 2-1-huur service. Phonj Hilltop 3-3864. RESTAURANT Counter ind 4 booths: rent and uater practically free: good location Write Box 478.

Press. ROOMING House for Sale Excellent condition; East Liberty location. 8 rooms, 2', baths Other Wrile Box 14 7. Press. SANDWICH SHOP good established business, $500 down.

Completely equipped, living quarters, price $1 100. Canal SERVICE Station for Leise Malor brand; 3067 perrrsvlllg Aienue: good neighborhood station: minimum finances necessary. Federal 1-6600, dally; Tuxedo 2-8735. evenings. SERVICE station folTTeaseIn city, very good income, excellent hours, must buy stock and equipment Other Inieiesis.

conn 1-7837. Call daytime, weekdays. SERVICE Station Carilrk; moneymaker; good allowance; minimum capital. Tuxedo 1-99S6. or Pieidbiuuk 1-5264.

SOFT Ice Cream stand Profiiable 1- man operation: busy Pittsburgh tiifh-way. Small investment Carnegie 56 1'lR STOKE Corner, Amhndur, 7-im buck home, 2-car biotk ciiage. 18a8 Duss Ave. runcrcs 6-247-1. TAVERN Norlh Side, doing $2500 wiekiy.

same owner 38 years: retir ing; ideal lor partnership; financial ar- rangements can be had. Meyeri, AT. 1 1-5454. 1-7079. I TAVERN Ideal Negro Night Club.

East of Pittsburgh. Barroom, dining 1 room, living quaiters. plus 5 room, house: acre gmund. Owner, Hemlock -422 4. 2-4 p.

m. TAVERN Cawo gie: lOO'V location, main street: $00 weekly; asking $16 500 Meyers, Atlantic 1-5454, JA 1-7079 TAVERN and 3-Siuiy Building Es-lahllshed 10 years: industrial center: good Income Sacrifice. 1501 Western Avrnue, North Side. TAVERN Homewood section. $750 a week, good location, $18,500.

C. MATZ REALTY TU. 1-9595 TAVERN Downtown: long lease. Kitchen. Regular and steady Hade.

Ideal for partner. Atlantic 1-6818 TAVERN So. Hills; $800 wecklv; reasonable: $13 500. Meyers, AT. 15454; JA 1-7079 TAVERN Hotel license, Wexford.

Pa. Montrose 1-8990. TAVERN A Building Established 23 years. Owner retiring Fairfax l-x TV Service Business For Sale In shopping renter. Very reasonable, lother Interests) Fremont 1-6228, sfter 9 p.

m. OPPORTUNITY For bookkeeper with our established enntrlctlne firm Promising futuie Write, stating age, exnerience other ouihfV, itions and salny expected. 152 Press WANTED Builders snd Developers for housing protect In Penfleid, Pa FHA A Of money available. (No pntntsl. Contact Mr, Stone Hotel Webster Hall, Monday, Tuesday.

Wednesday. WANTED Coal operator with stripping eouipment as partner: have over 100 000 tons of coal under leaxr. Mr. Llovd Cyphert. D.

4. Salem Ohio. Phone Salem Edgewocd 2-5703 be'ween 12-2 p. m. FOR Sale Sweden soft ice cream machine, loiinlaln.

grill. Freruh fiver, refrigerated sandwich maker, eic. Will rounder leasing building. Amhciat a-'rny FOR Sale Park, pool, lake, balh-hotiee. refreshment stand: house, 13 acres land.

Phone Scolldale. r8-R'. WORK wanted For sheet metal shop, commercial and residential estimates. low prices. Fleldbrisik l-9800; TURTLE Creek Small, established be cream business; 5 gallon low overhead.

Valley 4-3712. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Work Part-Timt or Full-Time WHOLESALER HEEDS AGENTS Absolutely NO Investment needed! iicll In vour friends, relatives, rn-worbers. from our BKi lllllll. Hrm 5-rohir Kup-tly all your own needs it WHOLESALE. ALL FAMOUS BRANDS Anplliiires, glfla, hlcvrlei, sum.

mer limit lire; bedroom, llvinc-rom, dinette furniture; herliling, men'! and women's fashlnns, tele, vlsimi, small appliances, tools, watches, diamonds, rlnrks, tahle-are, domeslirs, fans, lewelrv, minsen. luxiare, eamerss raditia and record plasers. shavers, spurts equipment, typewriters. Pennsylvania's ONLY COMPLETE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Writi for Free 1 000- Item Color Catalog Wholesale Since 1904 1415 PENN AVE. PITTSBURGH 2.

PA. ATLANTIC 1-3141 RT. 8 RESTAURANT Excellent location: doing good volume of business: building eqiilnnu nt, living quaileti, lienor license atsllsbia. Inveslmeni. iinlltgilrl notsi.

blliiif' for eierenred NH'KIAS RE ALTOS TWIiNBROUK (-1I030 VaesaSesasAre.eVakalaaVaiy LUDWIG HQMMEL CO. OVERBROOK Are New l-mm rinc.i buniaiow, iton fireplace end boorae. Birch kitchen, cerarnic bath. $lUO. Hemimk l-7ea.

PETfcRS Top. Stnne nnch. 5 roomi. 2-cir tirate. 2 icrei craund.

beautiful landscaped: nuiy tiuaa. $20,600. Mi Murny 670. PLEASANT HILLS JEFFERSON Pick Your New Custom Homi Gl FHA App, tisy Terms FTNKST LOCATION. TRANS AT nR.

1 BLOCK TO Jl'NIOR Hlr.H BCHL, ALL LOTS your rmnrE of ai kinishwcs 23-VKAR MOKTCACRS AS LOW AS $2000 DOWN, $120 MO TAKE YOUR CHOICE. 1 S-hedrm brick ranch, 1-car ia-rte; IIAflOO 3 4-bedrm I'ipe Cod. 1 ceramic hlthi. 1-car (artie; $19 9110 .1 3-bedrni cenPr hill ranch. ceramic balhi, 2-cir iiriie.

$19 900 4 3-lrm loht leiel, bathi. 2- car man; S21.S0O Call ua today fur complete Information nn how you can have the home you been dream inn of. MATZ FOR BETTER HOMES DIAL TU, 1-9595 PI.HSl.Nr IIILI.S G.I. STOO MONTH 3-bedrm. Cap Cod.

leoarate dimnr-rm cameiui Inletral garage, lot 60x1 20 blk to bin. C. MATZ REALTY CO. TU. 1-9595 PLEASANT Hills.

Old Clairton Road Lovely, laige 6-room itone ranch; jl1 baths, latge basem*nt, attachej garage, near school, church; land- leaped, fruit treel, ihrubbery, floweri; paved itreet $37,000. Owner, Olympla 5-7771. PLEASANT Hills Red brick ieml6 roomi. many extras, paved dnvewav. til I en.

tiled balh and powder room, plav Mom. fireplace, terrific value. $1M0TI0 Gt appraised. Kiefer Agency. Tuxedo 2-0662.

PLEASANT Hills Very large. 6 room, brick, hath A powderruom, paved drive, aide porch, large light basem*nt, many valuahli extras; $22,500. Keefer Agency. TU. 2-0662.

ST. Elltabelli New Ranch $15,600 6 rooms; a.c. gas; garage, Klein, BI4 Brook line Blvd. I.O. 1-1000 SHANNON PARK NEW RANCHES Ruck, 6 gas sc.

$14,500. Klem. 14 Brnnkllne Blvd. I.O. 1-1000 SOUTH Hills Country Club Vicinity 6-room brick and Hone home.

Clairton Belmont 3-5260. SOUTH Park Vicinity Washington County; modern, leml-bungaluw, 5 rooms, balh, brick and stone front, gas heat; attached garage; Dickens R-r 913. SOUTH Park Vicinity Ranch lype home, 2 -X40. Three bedrooms, living-j dining combination, birch kUchen. ceramic tile bath, a.

c. heat. Integral garage. 13.900. Tennysln 5-7060.

UPPER St. Clair Township Luxury 1 ram home, country club area, iaige, landscaped lot, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, I living room, nlng room, electric kitchen and scirened porch, nnlshed pin- game room and bar; owner. Teu- nvson 5-664. Washington Peters Twp. WO FOOT RANCH i 2-C4R iAKA(H 1.6 ATKKH This is a rral hariraln, and we mean "BARGAIN Rieht in the opn-; in of Pelen Township, with bua at drtnr, Ltin room mpasuiei 6 wim a ttont? lox-nuininr flifolarr, arparaia rllntnf room 1 Oul 2.6 and kitchen 9x11 are crnvtninl It lo- ftd Thtrt? arf only 2 bfdnMinif but, they mpaaure 12 flx)2 6 and 12 6xlY Vi havt a bimeway and a 2-rarj atrarhrd An addillonal luK-! burninjr fireplace in the basem*nt li arranRcd for lulure ratnpioom aiea.

SOUTH PARK REALTY PI. 1-7774 Open Eve. McMurray 1 1ll West Mifflin $12,900 Beautiful mom brlrk, only 3 years old, with all modern conveniences, will ci. BORN Tour HP. 1-8014 Multilist Realtor Will II HALL ST.

GABRIEL Large 2-story. Living rm. with log-burning fireplace, gas furnace. Integral garage: large, level, landscaped lot Owner transferred. $16,750.

FRANK J. McCUE TU. 2-3081 Whitehall $13,900 We have a beautiful Hi story brick with 4 roomi on first floor and un-flnlsted second. Everything modern, large lot. Integral garage, best location.

BORN Your HE. 1-R0U Multi-list Realtor WHlims.ll PIONEER REALTORS C. MATZ TOR THE BETTER QUALITY HOMES WHITEHALL MANOR Quality 3-bedrm. brick ranch. baths.

Trion. 2-car gst'nge. Beautifully landscaped lot 65x150. best location. Asking $30,500.

No reasonable offer refused. Brlrk S-bedrm. 2-story. I baths; livingrm. 12l-jx23.

large ude porch, slate roof. Excellent location. Lot 75x 150. A aliallte home $26,500. C.

MATZ REALTY CO. TU. I-9S9S WHITEHALL 2-story buck; gas a. Int. garage, completely landscaped, paved drive: handy to schools Ar bus.

Immediate oorupRnrv. Reduced to $16,750. BRENTWOOD REALTY TU. 2-5800 WIIITEIIALt, 3-bedrm. brim, wall-to-wall carnet, hindv everything.

Ini-medtte poss, hei6 700. ZACK AGENCY TU. 2-3474 ENCHANTED EVENINGS GLORIOUS DAYS SPACIOUS STONE RANCH BUILDERS' DREAM Fahulnti Hvlngrftnm, stone fireplace, separate dining room, hugr kitrhen, deluxe ii lures. 3 twin-ire beriro'tms, walk-in rlosets, baths, gamrrmim with bar, level landscaped corner lot. Sarrifire tday.

8. KI-KIN AdKNCT I.O. 1-1000. 37 loti For AI.1C1UIPPA St. Lot 48x100, with double block gauge, paved street with alley.

Mayflower 1-8218. BETHEL lot Near South Park; 80x200; all utilities: reasonable; $1150. Ci 1 1 Tennyson 5-68QQ BRENTWOOD 2 building lot at one bl.ick from Brownsville Road: near bus and streetcars. Tuxedo 2-4154. BROOKLINE Lot 30 x120', with gaiage, fenced; $1500 $100 down, 115 mo.

Write Press Box 136 CASTLE Shannon loti, $800 and up. Call Lehlch 1-3705. CHURCHILL New plan of tot. Beautiful and convenient. All vve! lots; new streets; storm Wetfer.

gas and electricity. You can purchase our Cuild Bunca-low. consls.iiig of 6 rooms. 2 bat In, famlly-ioom, for as low as S2.V-ooo. including lot.

Will also build to utt. HARMAIN, INC. Ml) i.o we I -2, 4, week da va 9 to 5. Hai-I 1 -fl I 2. CITY Bloik off Eratikslown: corner lot.

close shopolng center, parochial-Duhltc schools, owner. Penhurst l-74is6 COVLRDAI.E. Bethel 2 lots. 9d 216'. 10O0 esrh; 1 lot King! School Rd 100 x200 $1800.

Filrfu 1-8404. CRAFTON. Clearvlew Ave. Choice residential 50 x127' fully Improved unexcelled view, $5000. Owner, Walnut 1-5048.

DORSEYVILLE District 1-3 acres, level, Improved road. $700 ana up lerms. loiisx o-144. EMSW'ORTH 2 iciiolnlng lots, ullll-tle. close school, church, bus; both $4 50n poplar 8-9510 GREATER Pittsburgh Airport Vlclnllj level Inl.

2', acres. 390' front: $3500. whole or part, Amherst 4 6 ,93. HAZELWOOD Level lot on Hlel-wood 70x102, all utilities. Phone Tuxedo 1-4471.

McCANDl.ESS Twp Appiox. 90x225. oliy water. $2200. Call Sunday or Forest 4-9018.

McCANOLESS Twp. FailMeld Rd. 1 1 acre, paved road. Call renhursl 1-0C6O MONROEVILLE Lot 52x173: paved road. All utilities, one block lo transportation.

$1800. Fremont 1-4061. MONROEVILLE Lot 95x130: paved road; all utilities, $2500. Owner, Call Valley 4-2024. PENN Township 80'xl20'.

Near Frankxtown Road. $2000 McGIII, Penhurst 1-2443, Penhurst PENN TWP. Builders' Lots (Ml 500. FR 1-4869 RESERVE near Troy Hill 8 lots. 25x100: nice location; convenient transportation, Write 113.

Press. ROBINSON Township Beaver sores 75 and 100 ft fronts. 1650 Water, gas. paved roads: near schools. Amherst 4-4573; Carnegie 2338.1.

SHALER Township Level lot 54x95, corner Berner and Highland near Sharns Hill. Sterling 2-2257. UPPER SI. Clair Lots $2000 lo $3950, paved streets lewered Developer. Locust 3-3133.

WILKINSHURC Convenient and st-tractive lol. suitable foe double duplex Price reduced to $3000. Jackson 1-6323. LOTS FOR BUILDERS In tipper St. Clair.

10 hs. snce out of construction loan. Paved meet and sewers. to $3950 Developer. I.O 3-3133.

NEAR Millvile carlini Over one acre eround, water, sewer and gas nearhv: Ideal for 2 hnues, $4060. Call n-vn-r. Tavlor 1-1137 WANTED Lota In Wesl View. 2filh or Wards. Builder, Allegheny 1-1473 39 'nveitmtnt Prooerty REECHVIEW Triplet, 6 rooms, halh, first and second; moms, halh, li lt best buv: good Income.

$21000. FL 1-rMfl HOMESTEAD Coiner brick building, Oulck sale. $20,000. Owner. Home-stesd 1-1841 HOMEWOOD SETTLE ESTATE 6957 HAMILTON SI 4 nOO J-stnry hrlck bldg, Csfe AV apt.

(tenant i yearly Inrtuni $1600. Expensei $215. 1513-55 HAMILTON SfiOOO 4-rm. noma, yearly In come "61 Expense $150. C.

MATZ RE ALU CO. TU. 1-9MJ a BR00KLINE BemllfuL modern. 2 red brick, 6 forced iir i heiv. imearil iiriiie, ln-burnin itone flreplne, liimwond fl'joil.

Ille bilh, oiarble mil. Tmnferred. Immedilie pomtimon. c'lov in trine. icriooL T.

inpriied. owner, ft 1-0740. ee 1 -Sun. BRCXiKLINE I HANDY ST. Iiveiy o-room brick In enellrni con-diiinn, nie ktib, tile kitchen, fit h.

furnace, low laxet. Bariiiit. $11 M10 E. V. MiMlii Afenry I.O.

1-2I1 BHIKiKI.lNE $1 2.600 aiipiiiMl ippiied fur. All brlrk home. 6 me bath. heat, cement porcii, Inl. jtaiae; 2 iq.

to, Paul mllh Aienry I F. 1-1S00! BHOOKL1NE 6-ruom bilrk. excellent riMiditloii; c-arpetltiiE, aluminium si. inn uiiHoui, en a. extias: 2 blocks schools.

tranporlation. iliopplng. uiao-er, Kleidbioi RltiAlKUNE tape Cod. $10,000. Buck.

6 i oi tile bain, powder Iirae lot, landsciped. Klein, Oil Brimklllie Blvd. T.O. 1-1000 Oulttandini. Brick.

6 roomi, tile bath, as a. Mi'ige; lane lot; near schools. IK Mm Klein. 014 Bn.ikMlie Blvd. I.O 1-1000 BRUCiKUfiK New.

brick; ail laine rooms; tile bath. a.c. xis. $1200 down. No tlosiin.

Klem, 814 Brmkllne Blvd. I.O. 1-1000 BROOK LINE HANDY CARLINE. lovely rooms, tile bath, gai fuiniee. garage, level lot.

RKDUCED. $1.1900 M.rtin 9 'till ft I.O I -HZ I I BROOKXINK CI. 5-room brick, tile bath, gas a. gaiiec; handy, ONLY K. V.

Martin Agency I.O. 1-A211 RrtOOKLINE double brick. 5 rms bath; I. approved. $10,500.

HESEI.BARTI1 R. WA. 1-5111 BROOK LINE New brick ranch type, Integral garage, level lot 55 x126', Cviner, Lehicn 1-020S C4RRK K-KNOXVILI S890O Thli home Is priced to aell quickly. A real bargain. All brick.

rooms, bath and finished 3rd floor: cement porch, level ioi, near Brownsville Hoad carline. Easily financed. Fntil bUniitR uN fit. 1-4035 (AKKKK trick ranch bunn-jlnws featurint large rooms, lile bath, birrh unitised kitchens, gits a. liarace.

nice Ms. HI RRV! OM.Y i A Ml 4HI I II lll IIP FL4IOR PUNK ONLY $13 750. I V' A'-INCY I.O. 1-H211 (ARRicK-Brentwood Six-room brick, I harowood throughout, copper plumbing, gas furnnce; convenient; $UO0O. luxeno 2-2344.

CAHRHK BK1CK BUNG $9500 5 large rooms, bath, furnace. Klein. 814 Hrookline Blvd. LO. 1-1000 CASTLE Shannon Secluded, modern 6-room, tile bath; new gas furnace; nice yard; Ideal for child ten.

$7900. G.I. 1 see lodav. Klein, 814 Brnnkllne Blvd. LO.

1-1000 CASTLE Shannon New brick wml-bungalow, 2 bedrooms, tile balh, living room and birch kitchen on 1st; 2 semi-finished bediooms and bath on 2nd. $12 950 Builder. Lehigh 1 -30 1 4 CASTLE riignnon 3-bedroom brick. Large living room, landscaped lot, $15.500. Owner.

Lehigh 1-0127. CHARTER OAK GREENTREE LARGER COLONIAL $16,500 A FINE HOME 21 ft. Living room. 3 Urgt bedroom a aeparatt dining room paciout kitchen 1 a land- lot. COVERDALE rooms, bath; frame; $7500; near shopping, schools, churches arid traniponatiuiu Tennyson 5-8274.

DORMONT Buck. 3 bedrooms, tile balh: breakfast room completely remodeled 3 years ago; many extras including Thermador built-in oven ind range. Kllchenaid dishwasher; will-to-wall carpeting: draperies: cedar closets: wormy chestnut panelling; cio5e schools, shopping, transportation: must be seen to be appreciated. Owner transferred. $17,000.

Field-brrxk 1-7323. DOHWUNT Brick house; 3 bedrooms, tile balh, breaklast room; completely remodeled 3 years ago; many extras Including Thermador oven and range, Kitchen Aid dlahwasher, wall-to-wall carpeting, drapea, cedar closets, and wormy chestnut paneiinj; close to achsioii, aliopptng and transportation: must be seen to be appreciated. Owner transferred. $17,000. Field-brook 1-7321.

DORMONT TKRRIKIC Bl'Y. Con venlently located on carline: near shopping; 5 lovely rooms, tile bath, gas a gaiage. level lot. Only $10 500. K.

V. Hartln 9 Mill ft T.O. 1-Bsjll DORMONT $10,900 Fine bungalow wllh 3 well located In good neighborhood. Why not live comfortably all on 1 floor? Howard Schmelli. I.O.

1-3100. Doimont, 121,000, Twin Bik. Each side 5 large rooms, tile balh, gas unit, garace, block to everything Klein. 814 Brookline Blvd. LO 1-1000 DORMONT 6-room brick, 3 bedrooms.

Enclosed sunporeh: breakfsst mmk. Level lot: 2-car garage. Owner transferred. Locust 1-5624. DUQURSNE Hgls.

tdiSiMor children, 5 rooms, balh, new Rheem furnace, storm doors A windows Low taxes. $7000, Everglade 1-4227. GREENTREE-MT. LEB. DIST.

Royal Oak Plan Prh. 2 new beautiful custom-buitt brick A arone ranch-type homes, garage In basem*nt, ceramic tile bath. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, hvlng dining room combination; alt utilities: on quiet, pavM stieet. 24.10-24 3 R-d Oak Drive, handy to 5100 each, builder, Walnut T-9000 or Locust 1-2024 eves Sundav. Greentree Vie.

New Colonial Big 6-room brick; tile hath, birch kitchen, fas a. saraee 114,000 G.I. J700, FHA 30 Yr. Klein. 814 Brookline Blvd.

LO. 1-1000 OREENTREE Vic. $8500; 5 gas bath, new cu furnace; storm doom, Taxes $101. 12 lots.) Klein. 814 Rrookllne Blvd.

LO. 1-1000 OREENTRKE VIC. (2 Lntsi $8500 5 large cay bath, new gas furnace, storm doors: taxes $101-Klem. 814 Rrookllne Rlvd. IO.

1-1000 OREETREE NEW CAPE COD 6 latge tile bath. $16,500. K'em. 814 Rrookllne Blvd. LO.

1-1000 OREENTREE Vicinity 8-year. 6- i room frame, garage, tile balh, hard- wood floors. $10 500. Walnut 1-5299. KNOXVII.LE Large brick.

13 rooms. baths, ars furnace, rood Investment. $14,500 HE. 1-8014. MT LFRANON Vicinity 3-bedroom, brick Colonial: modern kitchen, wall to wall carpeting: large level lot; ntiblic-oarochial schools.

$14,000 Lehigh 1-6648 MT. Lebanon Vicinity New 6-room ranch: separate dinineronan, 3 twin bedrooms, kitchen with table aoice: gameroom level lot. paved and sewered. $18,500. Builder.

Fieldbrook 1-2677. MT. LEBANON AREA NEAR TEMPLE F.MANUEL BIG RANCH $23,500 TWO BATHS A emart L-ahap-d 3 bedroom ranch two car garage and aec-ond bath off finished game room. Landscaped, level lot; imartlv decorated, baseboard heat, paved drive, rare patio A other extras. MT.

LEBANON COMPLETELY APPEALING $21,500 ENGLISH BRICK A beautifully landscaped lot, an unusually attractive home located on highly desirable Morrison Drive. 6 larg. roomi, beautiful breakfast room A secluded appealing, covered porch at ahow place, Soufn Bunco- of Cammtn'i MT. L1BANIIN CI IslOM Bl ll.l. R4ROAIN I'KIIHI! MAKE AN AP-POIN I'MEN'T TOIIAY TO SI THIS FX( I PHONAL l-OI A I'KII IN RI.AI TIFl SUNSET HILLS.

Solid hrirk construction. 8 very large rooms, 11 ceramic Ille kalhs, marble lire-place, garage, level corner lot. ONLY $22,500. K. V.

Martin Agency I.O. 1-6211 MT. LIB. SCOTT RUV8 $15 900 4-yr. Colonial hrlck, 6 rooms, hatdwood, gas heat.

Int. landscaped, near bui, schools $16 700 Bilrk ranch, 6 tile Ins-burning fireplace, gas lieat. recreation area. Int. landscaped.

Many others, R-4-1' Hi ME BROIVNTFE RULIY IF. 1-47IIO Ml Lebanon Double bilrk. 8 rooms. G. 1.

NO DOWN PAYMENT Tile bs'h. gas furnace each, garage; near school and bus Ixi'-v down non-G I Ssppie, $20 900. FA 1-8975. Mount (Hirer $9300 A very litre home with 6 rooms 4 sttlc: hsndjr to everything; to leltla estate BORN Your IIP. 1-8014 Multi-list Realtor MT.

WASH. $850 DN. 118 PLYMOUTH ST. 6-room bilck, bath, furnace; parly wall, In good rondlllon: lovely yard. A real buv at $8100 Monllily payments $78 75 per mo.

Call AT. 1-8698 I A IT TJ VI. 41 Ml INC. bv'ERHROOK-Biookilne--Nrw 8-rm. bi ranch homes, tile bath, gaiage, heat.

Real tine noma buy ii $17 3 50 Paul N. amltb Agency IP. 1-1300 nVERRIii.Kili fiame mod- if'' ktlcherl, ney inof, new furnace inner p.utnning. oarage I ao- prsised; '50, Convenient hotiim. Tuxedo I 1 3i north Sdt Houiti Soft $2500 S3CI' DOWN Tolnrfd 4 lirr room, inull yird; biiinrf hk rpnt, $45.

ClU AL. i 1-5666. brtlrr. u.n JO JOUtfl HOUItl Soft i BALDWIN The moit itlnrtlve, enm- i liiiiiiilii nw A-roitm nnphel Willi hive nr, SPrn $13 600 Anyone nn buy Mr 600 down ind the 4'j" "'7: ARk LP 1 1 1 Dncmnuuu hiblii iu. -oouu BALDWIN SPLIT-LEVEL $.7,960 S3600 DOWN $107 MONTH New brick, 3 ihding door closets.

vanl-Jav bath, fireplace, separate paved drive, built-in ov'n nge, convenient to tvery thing. BALDWIN-BETHEL RANCH G.I. SI 00 DOWN SI05 MONTH ceramic tile halh, birch nnillsea klirn- en. ilone fireplace, garage, gameroom area; level lot. HANDY.

ONLY i. V. Martin Agency LO. 1-8211 1 7 yaid, Uli KS--. 1 901'.

Ovner. Tuxedo 2-8872. llt l.t 'HVIKVV DOKMON 1,1 XI -HKII IE ATI RES Al A Bl UGI I PRICE! I 5 eslrn large rooms, ew vaaity-type tile balh, allra-modern kilclien with knotty-pine breaklast niMik. Sunbeam gas a. 2-ear garage, level lot.

VOT A THING I i mi HIRE, jl SI' MOVIi RIGHT IN! i ami E. V. Martin Arenry LO, 1-8211 Beechview, St. Catherine's 115,900 Ultra modern brlrk ranch, ft ipacloui rooms i TV Mantel i gameroom, palm, slorm doors, garage, concrete drive. Klein, 814 Brookline Blvd.

LO. 1-1000 BEECHVIEW 1 FH APPROVED! 5-ioont brick in excellent condition, with tile balh, gai a. fireplace, lovely lot with coumry-likt Kiting. ONLY $11 800. f.

V. Martin 9 till 1.0. 1-8211 BEECHVIEW double Almost new, rooms each, ceramic bathi, Integral garages; near everything. Locuit 1- 4079, evenings. BEECHVIEW 1636 Dagmir.

8 ims 2- familv brick; 2 loti, 2 garages. $12,600. Klein. 814 Rrookllne Blvd. LO.

1-1000 BEECHVIEW Reduced to $11,800. New 5-room brick, tile bath, unitued t' i 1 4 Hro' kiioe Rvd ui 1 10 0 B''n W- REECHVIEW Double. 5-room brick brick houe. arranxed for .1 familien 3 ga races. I.

apprat'ed $14 000. reduced 3 000. 1699''3 AvL BKKCHVIEW 2 bedrooms, bah, gaa furnace, extra lots. Ovner LE. 1-2479.

Bethel-Brookside Farms 8 I.AKGE ROOMS 2-('ar Garage Large Shaded 1M We believe that thia large brick home la situated on one of the nicet Ion in BeihH. The lalea price offeri a home with a level 100x180 ft. lot but the owner will Include an additional area 20Sxl80 feet Utf $2,800 extra. The entire home wa renovated and has new wlrtne, gai furnace, water softener, porcelain tuba, martlte bath and hardwood floora throughout, There ia a large basem*nt gameroom with fireplace, The floor plan hai 4 targe room, bath and pantry on the first floor and 4 bedrooms on the second M2 6xl. 12x15.14 16 1.

There i both a front and back porch. 220 electric aervice, detached garage, manv iharie. fruit and pine tree and copper gutlera and downspout. The location li highly re-stru-ted. very close to car atop.

$23,800. Bethel-Washington County Vic, 7-ROOM CAPE COO Tatea SHfl Level f-nt You lind this 7-year old home to be the perfect place to rp)ise a large fam ily. It has IS roomi and a lun noich rooms on the second floor, living room 18x13 6 with fireplace, dining room 12x10 6 and kitchen 9x12. We think that all bedrooms will take twin beds and the home is heated with Sunbeam gas furnace. Truly an excellent value, $15,750 South Park Realty TE 5-7733 Open Eves.

LO. 1-5955 BETH k-urst Manor Asking $26,500. Rrand new, ow-ner-butlt, 8-room Norman brick tanch type; all electric limed oak kitchen: 2 ceramic bathc' Mate vestihu'e: brick log-burning flrepla and planter box In llvtne-room- 3 full-slred bedrooms; finished 13x40 game room with brick fireplace anl powder room: 2-car garage; separate laundiy paved driveway (re- porcn. Builder. Tennyson -jm.

BETHEL G. I. let n.nriR bedroom 5-yr -old Cane Cod 6-room brick wltrC tile bath. 4 rooms on 1st fl Ar 2 on second Nice country sue lot: near on 4.750 iones sons TP. 5-4I1K4 .3.1 BETHEL Reauilfiil Park Manor: brick ranch: 2 bedrooms, Jtvlng-dmlnf combination Fireplace, Well landscaped, fenced backyard.

Palm: fruit trees: t'? arte lot. 15 minutes from 5 Industrial Asking $17,900. Tennyson 5-4 897, RETHEL 4 bedroom Cape Cod: 5 roomi, tile bath. 1st; 2 roomi. tile bath.

2nd- Integral garage, large patio. Beautiful icia level lot. Owner. Tennyson 5-845V RFTHFL-Coverdale 5 rooms, modem bath. Venetian blinds; aluminum tiding.

2 porches large level lot, paved street, under $6900. Owner. Tennyson 5-7034 BETHEL Sewered: landscaped: 2 bedroom, 3 year old, ranch: A-l con-dlllon. Immediate occupancy. TENNYSON 5-3635 RETHEL Boto 5-room house, larce level lot.

dead end Street; Convenient. $10 250 Owner. TE. 5-3595. BOWER Hill Manor 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, large klichen and dinette, cupboard space, galore patto a-'d fireplace Will I.

$12,900, Carnegie 24I4R, ROWER Hill Manor 6-room, 2-story brlrk. Integral garage, level lot; convenient location, transportation school. $14 500 Owner. Carnegie 4077W. BRVNTWOOli iVvSrieball Shopping) MIST SIM, this lovely brlrk Colonial tnslOM BtTl.TI featuring 3 large rooms Ar garage 1st floor: 3 Iwin-slred bedrooms A tile halh on 2nd.

fias a. palln, large level lot. Rini t'tn. $17,900. E.

V. Marlln fl 'till 9 I.O. 1-8211 BRENTWOOD DALEWOOD STREET reduced! 8 rooms, ceramic tile bath: entirely redecorated: new gas AC heal; Integral rarage, $15,300. Owner. Tuxedo 2-8102.

BRENTWOOD DUPLEX lit tile baths, birch klichen, beautiful corner Inl, nn busline. Zack Arency Multi-List TltIIT BR1 NTWOOI) APPROVED $13.30 IIOWN. $96 6H MO. 6-rm, 2-sloiy brick, ceramic tile balh: las a. furnace; Integral gauge; 1 block to sllonolnf center.

FRANK I. McCUF TU. 2-3081 BRENTWOOD Whitehall Cenler 6 rnm brick. Ideal home for school ice family. 3 large hedmnmi, I "i baths, 2 fireplace, patio, manv extras, asking $18 900.

I i'HMAN TUxrdo 2-11 3 3 HR I I (II I D-C A II III fit Home with an Income, 5 rms. A ba'h each floor: gas a. 2-car garage; large level lol on buslines. $10 500. TRANK I.

McCUE TU. 2-3081 RRENTWOOD, near Whitehall Shopping Cent-r 8 rooms, 1 tilt baths, gas furnace, plasmom, garage; large lol. $13,500, Sapnte, FA 1-B1T5 NORTH Hilli 5 roomi, 210 first flour and 2 additional GREENFIELD 4007 COLEMAN ST. T-rrtnm framf, 2 barhi: new jai fur-nat't; ananjjfd 2 families: 1 bio li hiit i-ti aii-rinnl chiinnln inrl $8900.

JA. 1-4178. l.E GREENFIELD. Stanley St. 7-room brick, gas condition; 2-car garage, storm windows.

See by appointment. $15,000, Jackson 1-2279. Highland Paik, Bungalow rm, garage, very convenient, with modern vaisoi, vmv ninvonl.ti witn miMlcrn apoointmentj. Tremendous closet space. This home nnnot be dupluated In etiuiviient loiatoin for the price.

Inspect 6216 Wellesley Ave. Two block! from Norlh Highland Ave. Sunday 2 to 4:30 P. M. HARMAIN, INC.

Majflnwet 1-2574, weekdays, la S. Ilacel I -Mil 12, evenings. limirannn I Colored i Exception ally nice 8-rm. brick house, modern bathroom; new gai furnaie. A lovely home fir $11,800.

convenient terms. VE HAVE A 'HOME FOR YOU EARL MiKINI.EY HI. 1-6406 HOME WOOD 6-room frame: extra lot on side, furnace: good rondltion; utilities: $5,000. Hlland l-9j27. IDLE WILD St.

7103 $10110 l)N. COLORED oricx pain, nirnace, yarn: party wall, wonderful location. A real buv at $.600. Pay $84 per mo. Af.

1-8608 5-ronm brick: bath, furnace, yard: ALTT INVtSTMFMH INT. LINCOLN AVE. DISTRICT Cnlorfd 6 -room brick, a very nice home In a desirable location, hardwood floor, eas hprtt; 2-car xqulsfie inlerlor trim: $11900, Make 0" cn.ri rw fcaioic. Hihlanri 1-8400, MORNINGS IDE, 1727 Duffield near Greenwood A Mornlneslde School Centrally located, modern brick ciapnoaro ot rooms, hatn. gai heat garage.

Taxei $150. Terms I. $1150 down. Conventionally $2500 John C. R.

Kellr Relltog t-KOHl OAKLAND Location 2Je) 51KYR4N AVI, Ta BRICK AND STONE. Plumbing COPPER iNKvVl. Sire III ROOMS AND 2 B.TfH. Heat 10KCED AIR iNt.rt laxes $182. Price $13,500.

I XI 1. 1 SH Ar.t VT OAKLAND REALTY CO. Ml'. 1-4100 POINT BREEZE OWNKRS MUST SELL M-rwin If. i'alifnrnlfl Has been Rd- veitised for Readv for fast nale.

direcilv with owner. 2 modern 6-rm. evervthtnc aeoarate i north, earau'e. basem*nt, automatic for Immediately occuoancy 1ST OFFER OF $20,500 TAKES IT 6018 MrPherson Blvd. EM 1-8018 SHADYSIDE 3 Income properties.

Two on Walnut St. one on Howe St. All In excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Walnut Realty MU.

1-6500 SHADYSIDE New colonial. Ideal lo- cation near Civic Center, 8 rooms. 2 baths, powder room, recreation room, additional powder room In basem*nt Jackson 1-2529. SOUTH Linden Picturesque stone, 3 bedrooms. 3 ba'hs maids quarters.

Double garage. $42 noo. Principal! only Montrose 1-6727. SQUIRREL Hill Rlgelcw Hts. New 6-room bungalow, lntegtal garage, attractive location: $16,850.

Court 1-2481, Mr. (Jordon; Sunday. Hazel 1-60S2. SQ HILL New modem 6-rnom duplex Unitized birch kilrhen, ceia-mlc tile ba'h. Integral gaiage.

Iaige rrdrooms. Ideal home and divestment Income $280 per month $6000 down swing, deal. Valley 3-7628. SQUIRREL Hill New double bungalow each side. 6 rooms, bath, powder room.

3 bedrooms, esrare. loaded with features. Each half $25,000. Will finance. 5100 Forbes SI near Beeler.

Pnger Conslmetlnn Co, llsel 1-5369. SCJ. Hill Home and Investment; brick. 3-famlly apartment, tile bath, garage: convenient to eveivthlng. Asking $21,000.

Principals only. Jackson 1-2212 or Jackson 1-3510 SQ. Hill 8-room house I2i ba'hs. convenient to trattsoortatlon gas furnace Other Information. Call owner, Hare! 1-0686 SQUIRREL Tlill 2818 Beechwond Rlvd 6 veirs old, 8 rooms.

3 hatha, powderroom gai furnace, 2-car garage. $37.000. SQUIRREL Hill. 1145 Wlehtmsn SL 9-mom brick and shingle: mn porch' 2 bathe preclpllron, garage. Mayflower 1-9350, 35 Ncrfri Side Housei Sale BRIGHTON Rd.

Frame, 8 roomi. balh, furnace, perfect condition. $10 -000; Wesl view Realty, WE. 1-0974; WE, 1 0791. BRIGHTON Rd.

District 1155 Pem-berton St. 5-year-old brick, I1' baths, garage, 1 large rooms. Linden 1-5109 CALir. AVE. DIST.

6-room buck, finished 3 gis, h. w. heat- ouick possession: appraised. $10 600. A J.

Tumintllo, Cedar -5200 (AI.IIOItNM Ate. near llavls brick. Ideal for converting; 14 rooms, 3 baths, powder room; 4 eararcs wnrkshoo: duuble lot. KIRNHAHI) PH. B-R585 CHESTER 614 6 rooms, gas heal.

Integral gaiage. $12,800. Alle- gheny 1-64 55 DAVIS Avenue District 6-room brick, new gas furnace, haidwood floors, tile bath, double garage- $17,900. BRIGHTON REAL ESTATE LI. 1-2294 HIGH Slrect 1 222.

3-famllr dwelling In grmd condition. 2 balhs, porch, vard, laundry. 1st floor vacant. A good investment: only $1000. Mornings, otsr I 8 1 7 0 HOWARD 1501 6-rnom frame, hath, gas furnace: $4900.

Wesl View Realty WK. 1-0074; WE 1-0791. MxRSIHI.I. AVE NI IM RRICK III rl I Modern and atliaciive: minv alu-able featmes. A good buy at $19 oon.

H. I I I A l-350n MASSACHUSETTS Ave, 3402 8 ronma, bath: near school and carline. Railv possession. $12,000 Do not disturb occupant. Winkler, Poplar 6-7114.

MELROSE No. 57 Mikt offer, 8 rooms, brick, parly wall, Owner asking $3000, now varan! AT 1-8608 RF tl.TT IM INC. rJORTH-Side To setil'e estate; 3 brick houses, one 5 rooms, ona 6 rooms: excellent condition, gas heat. Cedar 1-6736. SPRING Garden Ave Re.erve Township Toonis, halh gas furnace 'arge yaid- $8nno Fairfax 1-4QQ6 ROOMING HOUSE $500 DOWN $8500 Brick, 1 I rooms, 2 bstHf, arranged Irrn 8 sots.

Ralancs like $98 ner morth. floor plan, earave. lur. umiu-m. lot; near transportation, shopping center, gas furnace; norm windows, Venetian shades; low taxes; occupancy July.

Forest 4-5591. Ohio Township STONE HOME 6 ACRES 2.000 newly planted pine trees. rooms, gorgeous living room 20x25 Thermopane wmdowalls. beauilful mantel with built-in 24" TV. den dining room, wail to wall carpeting, breakfast loom, hath; sun deck, large kitchen.

3 bediooms and powdet room on second; base cabinets, automatic washer drter, Venetian blinds, baseboard heating Electrically air conditioned for wonderful summer comfort (Chrvsler Air Temp. I 2-car garage. Large basem*nt, paved dnvewav. By appointment only i OOP, Forest 4-4222. ROLLING Hi )s 5 bedrooms.

2 baths, 2 garages, year around air conditioning, built-lns. targe lot. For apnoint-mcnt call nwnei. Foiest 4-5554 ROSS KSHI IK BLVD. G.I $800 DOWN NEW 3-hedroom RtMIIIH featuring a 12x13 master bedroom, ceramic baths; lile roof: birch kitchens: level lots; paved streets; water; sewerage.

lose tu shnppinr. transportation A sthimls. TIHKIFIC 4.1.1 at ALL Mow FOR-AN APPOINTMENT. Nnrlh Brunch MrKnleM Road WE. 1-0900 JtSJaV ROSS Twp Frame, 3 rooms, bath, finished 2nd; furnace, level lot; $Rooo.

West View Realty, WE. 1-071. ST Sehasllan's Parish Reduced for quirk sale, 2 -bedroom brick A. stone bungalow: near transportation, shopping, lmmpdiate possession. $14,200.

Owner. Hunter 6-2405. ST. Sebastian north Hills Dairy 6-riwim whlla Ills landscaped: gameroom. porch; walk school shopping, bus.

$23,500. Forest 1-1-1 i S'lALER Twp. 6 rooms, integral pa-rai-e Many extra features. Ideal place for children. $15,800.

Owner, Hunter 6-MI8 VALENCIA, Richland Twp Six-room frame, gas furnace, large lot; 30 minutes to Norlh Side. $8900. National 5-3297. WEST View Red brlrk. 6 rooms, tile bath, gas furnace: 2-car gatage rear of lot; nice location: handy sireet-rar.

Posrwood 1-6302. WEXFORD 2 acres: 6 rooms: balh, gas furnace: tmmediale posesston West View Really, WE. 1-0974, WE. 1-0791, 34 East ind Housei Soft AVONDAI.E PLACE 55O3-550S SACRIFICING Modern well built double home. 8 rooms, 2 baths, powder room.

u'llHy closet, kimtiy pine porch, gas heat, garage. Owner leaving Pittsburgh Will sell separately. Asking $14,500 and $17,500 Best offer takes it, Immediate possession. MO. 1-5182; HI.

1-1557. RAUM Grove Aiken eirven-rm. brick: 2 baths: arranged for Iwo or three families: corner oropeiiv; near schools A transportation. To he told for $17,500. Call Mr.

Mel'ov HUSS BROTHERS 507 2 RAUM BLVD. MO 1-4700 BEECHWOOD BLVD. NORTH OF FOrtBKS 7-rnom brtck. party-wall, lint water het. reiatinc balh, garage Hime in peifett condition.

Asking 115.800. MR MKNDERSON riMWHiLL t-00ri I'KNNWf i.D RKAI.TY RErTHW H1 Blvd. AMem bride tmie 4 brrlrrvi'ns. all conveniences, rvr-sllnc nummertime aystem, near whim is; San Has throughout. Also in addition Willi kit.

hen hnt)i and la ire ronm for Income Aakng S2 S00. Immediate possession UA. 1-MM. BEECHWOOD BLVD. If ou want fomrininf nice In -room h'MLor enmeiodin air enndi-tK'hM Isite enrrirr I'1'.

Call Mr-vet- AT VMM 1.7070 am 'SUA RROOKIINP SACRITICE 6-rm. brick Colonial, Integral garage, large kitchen. tll bath Very nice neighborhood. Rettlt estate, $14,700. Key si II n.

W'MT tfl 1-2600 Brookline Rossmore, $11,900 G.I. $1200 DOWN Rrlek and shingle, 8 gl! heat. cr snare PAI S. 8MIIH I 1-150(1 p-'rk i Ilia duplex, earn fleasf DEARBORN piT. Floe home: 7 r-xoma an nmparlor.

gai paai. I re-nms bath, furnai-r, ropnet Pi lea 1 nnfl, tnc sei home twin Cakncallultr O.kmoat 523 KmR KSus AL. 1-4044.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.