Eric Schmitt (r) [2022 file photo].
Eric Schmitt
[August 25, 2024]
What is 2024 about?
A choice between the Individual vs The Collective.
The Dissidents vs The Establishment.
Free Speech vs the Vast Censorship Enterprise.
As usual there is much hilarity in the responses:
It’s about making sure people like yourself never have the majority of power and when possible never be in power.
Well you’re definitely for the censorship of anything you don’t like, I bet you are all giddy about Project 2025
[….] lies lies lies. Trump can’t speak truth.
We see what you did there.
You MAGAs always say one thing & your actions are the opposite. I watch what you do & it’s called fascism. November can’t come soon enough. The trumpanzee won’t know his name in a few months.
Who wants to be forced into authoritarian theological rule?
If you support Trump and Project 2025?
Have you decided to abandoned the US Constitution??
Project 2025’s prime objective is to
“Grant the president unchecked power by restricting Congressional oversight and placing the Department of Justice and FBI under direct presidential control….
To consider anyone in the Republican party (or Democratic for that matter) as being not pro-establishment is absolutely insane. Entirely removed from reality.
You ARE the establishment, you are part of the vast censorship enterprise that’s been funding genocide, you are the farthest thing from a “dissident” that anyone could ever imagine.
The exact same way the Democratic party wears the struggle for justice as a disguise for empire, the Republican party wears a cloak of “anti-establishment” as a disguise for empire, and they all bastardize it to such an unrecognizable extent that we have Republican senators like Eric Schmitt claiming to be anti-establishment while his party pushes possibly the most boot-licker agendas we’ve ever seen.
[….] Surely your morals tell you not to vote for a man like Trump.
Eric Schmitt’s government will very much be with you in the OB-GYN’s office.
It’s about serious policy versus ego driven grievance about crowd sizes, “stolen elections” lies, criminality, sexual assault, business fraud, and random conspiracy theories.
[….] and quite simply Trump is NUTS.
[….] Trump is a loon and we all see it every day. And we will for 70+ more.
Women’s rights versus women as GOP property.
The Insurrectionists attacking our Capitol and our country versus the Right wing extremist party of Lincoln
Democracy versus the Trump-Putin Dictatorship.
Get Lost Schmitt. Come back when you aren’t lying to Americans!
A choice between a Narcissist vs a leader
Democracy vs Dictator
Freedom of Speech vs Vast amounts of misinformation and outright lies
[….] Republicans voted against the toughest border bill ever offered, even Border Patrol agents approved of the bill. Coward Bone Spurs Trump threatened republicans and told them to tank the bill do he would have a fictional issue to run on. The Republicans are WEAK ON THE BORDER!
Btw….where is Josh Hawley? Back home in Virginia?
We see what you did there.
Josh Hawley (r) [2024 file photo].
[….] Yeah bullsh*t. Hawley lives in Virginia. I own more real estate in Missouri than Hawley does
[….] Schmitt spent millions of tax dollars illegally suing school boards because he is anti-vax/anti-science
Masks. – RSMo § 610 – Missouri Sunshine Law – email submissions – part 1 (January 6, 2022)
[….] does freedom to you mean women get to choose what happens to their bodies?
[….] how does it feel to know the Trump government is all up in your uterus?
It’s about decent (Harris/Walz) vs vile (Trump/Vance)
It’s about Democracy(Ds) vs Authoritarian Fascist(Rs)
It’s about Truth(Ds) vs Lies and misinformation (Rs)
It’s about inclusiveness and working for all the people(Ds) vs hate, division and inciting violence (Rs)
Basically Good(Ds) vs Evil(Rs)
Book banning vs. Book reading.
I’m choosing kindness, empathy, honesty, and light over tRump’s gloom and doom fear politics. I’m tired of him talking sh*t about America, making fun of and abusing women, stealing from charities, and making a mockery of our country. I’m even more tired of his MAGA goons. His constant whining about how unfair it is that he got caught committing crimes is pathetically weak and extremely nauseating to me. Nothing makes me want to puke more than a fake tough guy who hates everything I believe in. Anybody who wants to go back to the days of tRump is a fool and a sad*st who enjoys seeing others in pain.
Eric Schmitt (r) [2024 file photo]