Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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Thursday Evening March 31 1949 "mJMEXLANEOUS OR SAUO PLANTSANDLOVriERS 108 'WATER COOLER OR SALE SPRING CEMETERY WREATHE $th Bt Coney Island potted planta Book June' wedding or 1 1111 1 i1i 1 drs now McKinney's loral Shop 1100 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SIZE I TO ITth Phone 7408 10 ai condition toes Union COO 1 HEDGE LINE POSTS QUIRKS CHINESE ELMS Hill Ind George Pearson 8 8 ft 1000 to select from Re placement guarantee '1115 eachWhole ALUMA CRAT BOATS MERCURY sale discounts Latham (Red) Rasp motors See them at Whipple's on berries Brlato (Blackcap) Raspberries 54 east Monticello Phono 1SU Alfred 4 Eldorado Blackberries 25' for $335 Lowell Swltser Battle Ground MOTOR SCOOTER 1946 REGAL A Phono 66 5 condition 315 Seymour Service Sts tion 3rd and erry PETS 17 hMdM SCOTTIE 'PUPPIES? AKC REGIS PhoEs5S573 UO tereL Priced to sell Ph 53234 TWO PAIR RENCH DOORS TTORINICT PET frame and casing condition 1708 Union East apartment Phone 75703 jroR SALE ULL? BLOODBD BLACK OUTBOARD MOTOR 5 (SEA gtAttlel Boe) motor with only 5 hrs time PI 330 Phony 8449 Parts Dept or 40337 WATER SPANIEL PUPS ULL blood reasonable John Snyder 13 LOOR 8HO 4V CASES 'OOub South 21th Street tion" See at Bartlott Lischko Phar tn btret macy 453 4th BEAUTIUL DOBERMAN PIN rwn oav' spnnr caito ktA is scher emale sCt disposition Bx n6 cellent blood line Priced to sell 117 girls skirts and dresses 11 and 13 North Kth Good condition Phone 51373 enT nrvniwn eS CAT HONEY "A TINY CHIHUAHUA REVOLVER 335 3 CAL wU1 preaent her beautiful family for rifle 315 cal rifle 3 0 All yOur approval at the puppy show at the good shape red 5354 between 5 Uafayette Armory Sunday Phone and 8 66343 BROODER 20" 40" NEW a APPROVED US PULLORUM lumber Used short time Couldbe controlled started chicks one two made Inter' small home Delbert Seerell and three weeks old Hatches every Pine Village Ind riday We guarantee complete satisfac 11 tlon Benton County Hatchery owler WANTED TO KITCHEN SINKS Ind Phone 77 toilet stools and flush boxes lava 1 topics bath tuba and baby beds Phone DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPS EX 3575 carlent blood linen AKO registered AK Branham Lafayette One OR SALE CHROME BREAKAST mile east of Otterbein on fa BL eat three pieces hand electric clean phone Otterbein 3306 er ladies' forma! Jacket and mlscel laneous clothing slxe 15 to 18 boys' yrosen hors meat Ho a IK Cooked ault else 8 Phone 3753 hors meat 1 Ib 3 cana 34 ONE MEDIUM SIZED IREPROO Tr Dfl A safe like new one large double door 1VALLALB JoUAKXllX Vs safe with burglar chest In top one fuel fZWMMTi'T Ci oil drum containing fuel oil and fauceta DDiXxlV Dlxi Phone 65034 IL Main St Road Phone 45513 or 4501 SINGER SEWING MACHINE STUDIO DnADniMr UWMPTC! couch bath tubs shower stalla toilet DUAlC ULIN vx KUHN IN DID SM hbdT Neuhauser Veterinary Unlon' Hospital ZERO SIX CAN MILK COOLER NEV Phone 5353 Road 53 Edge er been uncrated Modern equipped with water pump and refrigeration unit PfllllTRV ANTI SITPPIJKS Carl Hendrickson six miles north on rULLini mu surtUM County arm road RYING CHICKENS OR SALE SOMETHING NEW! READY TO AS Phone S30S1 semblo Buildings' and Garages All Sizes from 3443 up Call or write Inter OR SALE ELECTRIC BROODER national Homu 3303 Calhoun 200 chlck else Used one season Wavna Indiana Harry ink one mile south on 3th St Phone 65526 LAGSTONE 629 OREGON ST PHONE 71745 for information or walls and walka Plenty of nice stepping stones A ATT oh hand Will deliver what you want 11 JjjVjXXX JCj a 1 I when you want it Raymond Plant nir GOL' SEASON IS HERB I HAVE 1112x0 11 some used clubs that are reasonable ull and broken seta ladies and men's JU XV Xv Also expert refinlshlng and repairing rrr TTrnTZCi Phon 362 after 6 BABY CHICKS LARGE SIZE MOORES PARLOR UR fl 4 f)E 1 AA nace excellent condition 35500 Good tprxO Cj LV 1 1 1 Ji Janel door 35 Old fashioned oor good condition regular size 34 rapge left lde ovn LAAYETTE DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINE ZA 11 I) A fT1TX7E3 with all attachments A 33250: (()() PH KA I I VE three roomy 3 drawer painted chests XVW AZ A lxvxx A $1250 choice porcelata top and drop leaf cabinet bases 315 each: drop leaf TT'T TXT A HT'rT? 5 piece breakfast sst 320 109 6th Pi 1 iPi IV IL (residence) No phone calls plsass SECTIONAL ARMY BUILDINGS: ARM PRODUCTS 356000 Delivered your lot Other sixes available Makes largs roomy house WANTED STOCK OR BLUE Write for circulars Order now and grass pasture Phone 71517 build this spring MIDWEST BUILD ING CO MATTOON ILLINOIS BOX REGISTERED I HERD BOAR 105 PHONE 4455 One mile east of Dayton on No 38 Sam Royer PUMPS OR SALE: TWO SMALL SADDLE We have tn stock electric water pumps horses and squipmsnt Everett Sheets ef all types Also pipe for Installing 924 North Sixth Ws install well pits and pumps Coy ths well driller 2119 15th St Phone TWO MALE HOGS ONE HAMPSHIRE 4339 one Poland China Geo Winger Rom ney phone LOCKS ULLY CERTIIED BENTON SEED We make keys of every description oats Recleaned bagged and tagged lew night latches door locka drawer phone 56731 locks etc Our service Is as near as your phona 309 211 North REGISTERED DUROC ALL BOARS ifth and gilts Charles Bennett and Son Linden BOX CAR BODIES LINCOLN soybeans for seed Refrigerator and box car bodies ds 3250 per bushel Phone' 'Battle livered Suitable for small homes and Groun(j 522 1 rafter Bi 30 fim storage Charles Blaisdell Royal Center Ind Phone 148 ifth bouse east of Bln yOR bale ONE SPOTTED PONY clatr Station extra well broke Charles Gerhart CHOREMASTER BatUe Ground SI 1U 3 Garden WHEAT STRAW EXTRA LARGE Tractora Price start at 313760 At bales 55c Wanted clover or mixed tachmenta Include reel type lawnmower clover hay Kenneth Wilson 46641 rotary mower sickle bar cultivating tools seeder wagon air compressor LINCOLN SOYBEANS 97 GERMINA wood saw snowplow and lawn sweeper tion 3235 per bushel Wire baled Power takeoff to do dozens of other clover hay Albert Strasburger Remlng jobs Easiest Garden Tractor on the ton market to handle Murray Agencies 53 and By Pass North Across from yOR SALE A GROUP INE REG Btats Pollc Post Phono 65347 Istered and unregistered bulls rang ln different sizes loyd Sndeberger ISH ISH Camden phone Trout Pike White ish 3 registered saddle mares good breeding 5 gaited 7 year old Cattish XiemhST 4 yr old well broke Bernard Hole 214 miles southwest Darlington on 47j ISH REGISTERED guernsey bull MARKET ready for service record 11658 milk 590 lb fat Sire Langwater breed 206 Columbia St Ing Emil Slebenthal Wolcott Timo REGISTERED DUROC BOARS THE txOOu lUIie right kind Priced right ready for To bar that old hard mattre rebuilt ArnU Into lovely Innersprlngs full comfort weii ina and wear One day servlcec eathet nnrn renovating pillows and feathers Mat OPER tresses to ordsr Also new mattresses JACKSON MATTRESS CO lnd Phon 207 721 Main St Dial 7787 Berkshire boars and gilts eligible to register priced right A A TbTlT'V AtfV OTTDTDT TTQ Oshier 1H mil east 14 0 ARMY NAVY SURPLUS Ash Grove Phone Battle Ground 3a5 Army tarpaulins (new heavy oz REGISTEKED GUERNSEY BULLS waterproof all sizes) 23 lb Army bunk from dams with records Sired by mattresses Army all wool blankets gon of a 33OOOO bulk price Army work shoes Army Navy dras Alg0 Guernsey cows Arba Brutus A exforda Sons Pine Village Ind ARMY SURPLUS 514 Columbia Phon 1321 OR 20 GRAIN ELEVA tor without power equipment "Pln RADIO MUSIC INSTRUMENTS cor" power lawn mower 20" good as new Repulsion Induction Electric mo MILTON UPRIGHT MAHOGANY tor 110 220 volts 1 hp plagt7orJJ piano with bench Phone 4512 1917 scales capacity 1000 lbs 7 stands Thompson bees Phone 71225 OR SATE ATWATER KENT CON VULL BLOODED REGISTERED HAMP sele Good condition 310 Harry shire boars and open gilts of ex Tink PhonR RfiS6 cellent type quality ana tne top in yink pnone bloodlines New bloodlines for old cue AATW TrPHTnT Trr tctm BA tomprs A few sows hd ffllts with IJt OR BADE UrKIGHi kimkall tere at their aides Come and fulfill piano In excellent condition suitable Hampshire needa One and one half for home or church Price 350 Mrs JnUp gmth and one fourth mile east of Miller Brookston Lnd Otterbein Indiana rank Kerkhoff Jr SPINET PIANO OR SALE USED AS demonstrator ully guaranteed a CASH PATT) terms Write Box ll Journal and Courier Eor Dead Animals Horses a Cattle Hogs DEPENDABLE AND USED rvyzxarm 04 la 1'iP 4900 pianos Price reasonable Cllngenpeel PHONE LA A hZl lE 4200 Tuner Technician 530 Northwestern rxmtANs nrxmrPTKn Parking In rear on Ara Lane INDIANA RENPHRXJNU UU WELL KNOWN NAMES PIANOS LANAGAN for sale Term 1f desired your eld piano In trade Ramseyer planoa Ard apple Storage Building 1132 Main St 1 INDIANA USED RADIOS BIG ENGLISH SEED $3000 PER BUSHEL Spinet piano returned from rental walnut finish: New LArAlMlh piano guarantee and new A rT'TX7'T? bench reduced $11000 COUxxljxtAil ELEVATOR CO Main Street Learn to enjoy music by learning to play a musical in strument We furnish anew instrument and instruction for $250 per week Saxo phone clarinet trumpet trombone accordion marim ba drums MILLER MUSIC CO 514 Main Street PLANTS AND LOWERS JONQUILS OR SALE 3 DOZEN3565 Union Bt Phon 3767 WOVEN WIRE ENCE RESH MADE STOCK WITH ULL GAUGE WIRE GALVANIZING LAAYETTE COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR CO LAAYETTE JOURNAL COURIER frVESTOCK ARM PRODUCTS STRAIGHT HEDGE CORNER POSTS Earl Carion owlar Phon 234 OR SALE 10 WEANED PIGS 49 Iba vaccinated Phon 2324' OR SALE ARMALL tractor' Ilk naw condition reaxonabl Phone 403B Remington' ONE LOT MIXED BALED HAY AL io alfalfa Attica Rte 3 Charlotte Handy OR CERTIIED HAWKEYEoybran ml Order oarly Edward Lthmu Wolcott Ind a CHOICE HAMPSHIRE BOARS WTIt Ham Nial 8 milM mm on Haggerty Ian Mulberry phon LINCOLN' BOY BEANS ONI YEAR out of certification $360 a buaheL Alfalfa hay wheat itraw Phon 4654h JOHN DEERE AW? 1949 TRACTOR New List price Joe Ramwjer SharpaVUU lnd 1 mil north of Prairie MASSEY HARRIS COMBINE 7 pull type with motor 3 yean old Price reasonable Roy Baberjs Linden phone OR BALE 1944 MODEL A' JOHN Deere tractor and cultivator Tractor changed to atraight gaa Roy Staele rancesville Indiana Phono 34 22 OR SALE 7 OOT TANDEM dlacf 3 motion aplk tooth harrow 100 bales clover hay Joe Mugg at No" 10 Phon 46216" OR SALE CLINTON OATS PUR du teat on sample 97 garmina tlon $100 bu William Applegate Nwtown phone OR SALE 3 PUREBRED HERB ford bulls 18 and 16 months old 1 Shorthorn bull Harry ink on mil south on 9th St Phona 65526 SPECIAL: 10 5 ERTILIZER AT $50 per ton and chlek Matter $4 per 100 lb Order now Ura Seeger Ele vator Marshfield Indiana 'TL 1871 West Lebanon OR SALE 1 I 2O A 1 condition priced right: 1 new I 52 combine 1 now I 200 sprMd er 'I naw I KB 2 pickup truck Also new riend elevators Mitten Implement Co Goodland Ind 10 REGISTERED HEREORD COWS Mischief Mixer breeding 6 With calves 5 to calv' soon Brd to a top son of Real Silver Domino 44th Vac cinated for Bangs and dean Reason able Rusk and Rogers Marshall Ind WILL BUY DAY OLD OR will pay over ver! price for heifer calves from good good dairy cows Either call or mail postal card and will make bid rank Smolek DeMotte Indiana Telephone 3522 DeMotte OR SALE 6 HOLSTEIN HEIERS due to freshen April 10th 4 year old Holstein cow fresh Two registered Shorthorn bulls one 12 mos and one 18 mos' Two registered polled Short horn eows McCord Steele 4 south east Pine Village ATTENTION ARMERS We have home and farm freezer to fit your needs no matter what your problem We have" General Electric Hot Point and Deep reeze brands in 4 ft 6 ft 7 8 ft 10 ft 15 ft 18 ft and 20 ft All with sealed units We are equipped to install and service any thing we sell and our trained per sonnel know how Ws have the most libera) and competitive terms in thia part of Indiana A visit to our two business rooms will convincs you Should you be unable to ctill 1 at our store a card or letter of Inquiry con cerning a freezer' will be' "followed by a "Visit by one of trar salesmen who will have complete sales literature for your Inspection Remember any freezer we sell will have complete insurance coverage any food loss resulting from both mechanical or POWER fa 11 ure Refrigeration is not a side line with our organisation to be dropped at a later date when competition get! tough Our full time job will still be the Installation and SERVICING of any equipment you purchase from ua West nghouae Home Appliance Shop 121 3 No Perry St Attica lnd Phone 269 OR DYNAMITE Phone Lafayette 51243 AR ME I Cash for yout dead animals horses cattle hogs We pay telephone charge Phone 3830 CHAS BREES Agent Lafayette ertilizer Co BRANCH RANKORT i (50 ERTILIZER i TOBACCO BASE 0 20 20 3 12 12 3 18 9 ALL PACKED 80 LB BAGS eed Store Kansas Alfalfa Seed $3910 PER BUSHEL WHILE STOCK LASTS eed 'Store At HAZELWOOD Hawk eye soys $380 Lincoln soys $320 Hybrid popcorn seed P31 P38 Indiana certi fied if you get it at HAZELWOOD ARM ROMNEY' 55 bushels more per acre with HAZELWOOD HY BRIDS Now available 813B 605A 620C and the new 419 A 252 A $1050 to $800 See us soon at HAZELWOOD ARM ROMNEY SILVER LANE ARMS CERTIIED SEEDS Benton Oats $110 Indiana Hybrids 251A 252A419A 605A 608C 620A 13 Regular and Med lats $800 bushel Delivered Lincoln Richland Hawkeye Soybeans On 24 at Remington LAWN GRASS SEED 540 5 ERTILIZER OR BEAUTIUL GROUNDS LAAYETTE COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR CO ARM MACHINERY OR HALE CASH 2 PLOW IN excellent condition Chittick Son lora Ind Phone 17 JOHN DEERE Repairs Services Broker Motor Co 2910 Main St PHONE 8025 1 VARM MACHINERY 16 TRACTOR AND CULTIVATOR also LHC 116" plow Paul Johnson Morocco Ind Phono 15 JOHN DKERB TEN OOT TANDMM disc International ton foot tandem diac Phono 905MKenUand OR NE DC CASE TRACTOR 3 bottom and cultivator Roady to go In first class condition 2 miles south of Alumnlum Plant Walter Pendleton JOHN DEERE CORN PLANTER WITH tractor hitch and fertiliser attach ment 339 Richard Meyer 3 miles west of Montmorenci Elevator i LHC CORN PLANTER Price $150 Ready to go On II 1 niile west reeland Park 'Gerald Mc Gaw owler 1 Phone reeland Park 115 BLACK HAWK 4 ROW CORN PU5NT er with fertiliser attachment: new 1948 usod one season excellent condi tion $325 VanNatta Ranch Battl Ground? inX phone 9 ARMALL GAS ENGINE 11 INCH Urea $1250 or best offer SOT IH baler 3 years old AT1 Edgar ountain Jr Rte 1 Delphi Yeoman phone OR BALBi'1 'INTERNATIONAL trector need 2 years perfect condi tion Two 14T plowe on rubber 3 row cultivator 4 row corn planter Nor vin Davie I mile weet Smithson TWO NEW ALLIS CHALMERS WC tractors with planters cultivators and plows One John Deere field harvester Sew with motor One John Deere mower neT Allis Chalmers side delivery" rake rank Smolek DeMotte Indiana ONE LHC OUR ROW TRACTOR corn planter fertiliser attachments plates and wire Reasonably priced Ready Yo go Elmer McCormick north of owler to Benton county line 3 miles west ''') 1945 I B' TRACTOR WITH cultivator and power lift Used 1948 KB 8 pick up truck Used I Number 10 hammermltl Bower Im ploent Co WUllaaport 1 Ind Phone 62 30 WITH HIGH COMPRESSION Mo tor road gear lights 13 36 ttres and Easyride seat Excellent mechanical condition Also power lift 'and 4 row cultivator Donald LeBeau west Wolcott I2 TRACTOR WITH CULTIVATORS IHC 2 12 inch plow: THC 7 ft disc New Idea Manure Spreader John Deere 999 Corn Planner with tractor hitch Robert Wartin 2 miles southeast Yeo man i MEYERS MANURE LOADERS 'ON HAND OR 20 AND TRACTORS armers eed Store SMIDLER ARM EQUIPMENT CENTER 'ormerly PAUL 0 JOHNSON Allis Chalmers and New Idea arm Implements Parts and Repair Service WOLCOTT IND READY OR DELIVERY a' I i CASE Grain Drills CASE Rotary Hoes CASE Spring Tooth Harrows CASE Spike Tooth Harrows CASE lexible Harrows CASE Brushland Disk CASE Tractor Spreader CASE NCM Baler CASE ield orage Harvester CASE orage Blower CASE Wagons CASE Planters See your CASEDealer irst vl LYMAN COAL COMPANY 20 irst St Lafayette Ind SEE TAYLOR Little Giant Portable Elevators Order Now or Assured Delivery WM TAYLOR 423 erry St HAVE THE LAAYETTE COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR CO 'REPAIR SHOP OVERHAUL RECONDITION YOUR TRACTOR LAAYETTE COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR CO WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE 1 Only HAY DRIER an Double Unit Regular $19850 Now $100 1 Only 3 WHEEL ESTATE SPRAYER Regular $34150 Now $19950 1 Only LEATHER HORSE COLLAR Regular $1275 Now $975 4'' i 7 I Sat Only HARNESS Regular $8990 now $65 SEARS ARM STORE MACHZNBBT BPSINBSS OPTOaTUNn'lia NBW OLIVER 1 1 1 BOTTOM PLOW GOOD GOING 'COUNTRY MILK Nvr been umX $349 John Barna rout Good qntpment Btlllng du Romney Phone to other bualaeaa intereeta Write Box 68 Journal Courier i OR JOHN DEBR8 TRAC tor 1943 model juat overhauled hy BAKERY draulto plow and cultivator RomvIII 'L ZxxVCjxv 1 phon 'Beard OR BALE 'fi If Intaraatad call 45331 1 OR BALE INTERNATIONAL tractor and cultivator in good condl IS YOUR BUSINESS OR SALE? tion John isher Jr Phone Delphi in mark WE WILL BELL IT OR Are You Wanting to Buy Butnae OR BALE USED OOT PTO Oliver combine unable Cheap Ramaev 1 mile weet and mile outh HOOSIER 1 of Stockwell BUSINESS EXCHANGE Indianapolla will a Pbn urke st? hon Lafayette Phone 0755 2 i Rep Wm MMANE PIK)W3 1 AND GOOD Barvico BtrictlyDonfidMittal Want to trade for good 5 ft alec Roa W4VTT) TV) RTTV nl Whaley Broolc Phon 166 3 WBJIAMfIV 6X4Jg OR SALE a ALLIS CHALMERS GOOD OVERNIGHT BAG (LADIES) 'tractor and cultivator Caee plow 3 16 Phono 51654 evening on rubber like new Earl Nxtua Phone a 933 Reneeelaer STANDARD METRONOME PREER Seth Thomas Cal! 3291 ALLIS CHALMERS COMBINE 5 OOT 1 Power take ofL naw laat year LOula ONE LARGE' OLD ASHIONED Brubaker Lafayette Rte 3 Phone Iron ice cream" parlor table and Buck Creek 1 11 chatty Mr Bert Emond Wolcott SALE ORD TRACTOR WANTED GOOD STORM BUGGY Witlv diac and plow Thi outfit used write Andrew Lavy Camdeh In since last summer A condition Cheap 3en if taUen st Ettar and Muller ow aa ler Indiana WANTED TO OUR BOTTOM OR SALE 1 MM MODEL TRAG tor with 4 row cultivator like new ford Ind 3 Otterbein phone 1 John Deere model A tractor 1 MM vCww 2 16 in breaking plow on rubber Jack WANTED HYDRAULIC LOADER Primmer 3 mile out At mile for International tractor Haxel outh mile weat of Arets Airport wood arm Romney 7 NEW I a ENDGATE SEEDERS WANTED CAN USE "SOME USED cultivator and power lift: No 30 furniture rag etove cheet dreeaer corn aheiler 3 3 or 4 section lever Utility cabinet etc' 2735' or "flexible harrow epring tooth her row 20 Power lift Bowr Imple EEDING 8HOAT8 99 TO 109 LBS Plement Co Wtlllamaport Ind phone or Robert Wiae Buck Creek Phone 39 33 33 20" OR SALE 1938 MODEL A JOHN SEWING MACHINES HIGHEST CASH Deers tractor new paint rood shape paid for Slnasr treadle on 13 inch rear tires Also power lift trie machines Blnaop Bewlnit Maenine cultivator for above tractor Priced Co 62 Main 8t: to sell Glenn Culver Brookston Phono watt 43d WANTED TO BUY A GOOD SMALL 1 L2 business in or near Lafayette by re INTERNATIONAL REGULAR TRAC abl couple Wjlte Box 93 Journal tor on good rubbar Powr lift' cult! Courier vator 8 brood sows due to farrow soon Raymond Glck' South 9th St WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE THEA Road first road left past Purdue Radio ter in email town Must be profitable Towers 2nd house on left and priced reasonable Write Box 63 Journal and Courier OR SALE 1945 )tMU TRACTOR new clock uw rear tires 4 row plant WANTED TO BUY er and 4 row cultivator for same both new 1948' Good Molln spreader 200 Men' and lightweight eults and bale or mor extra good timothy hay topcoat Why not dlapo of outgrown Otis Thayer Romney Ind Linden clothe 7 phono 1 1 North 4th St Phon 3471 ATTENTION ARMERS PUT YOUR wood wheel wagon on rubber with th Hallman Patented Conversion Rim no hoi to drill jut off pokbe Wanted Old ence Wire and Tin and elamp on Give number ef spoke In wheels when ordering also stool wheels cut down The Hellman Rim Co Heruburs hl North End Junk Co 1634 Canal Road Ph 7096 0rpJS REAL ESTATE OR SALE latent All sizes Double reinforced grommet gB1 Twwt rrs BUILDING LOT 100x309 "IN 314 Colbll St hono 5331 Northwestern Heights Phono 81613 ROOM HOUSE WITH GAB HEAT and garage North end Phone $735 ORD TRACTOR REASONABLE' bOWN PAYMENT buys new 2 bedroom modern home ninon JR AQ Call at 1406 8 25th Saturday or Sun WOOU tsrwjcs day afternoon Combine Com Pickerg for sale bt owner in west DeLaval Separator Lafaystte nw droom home finished stairway to future bedroom nADTC irsplaco and tHo bath ull PARTS SERVlCJcj mont Lot 165 ft Inquire 1712 OVERHAULING North weetera or pbone 85804 Ve Serve as Well a Sell" AIR PARK Holmes Bros Tractor Sales $7 950 2012 Kossuth Phone 7201 Half of brick veneer 4H room modern double only 5 years old INxuYV HVlJrvX Best location 1401 3 Catula Ave i wxv Can be bought by 2 with HYDRAULIC I $1500 each down ilISC HARROW Easy hydraulic control over red Hale JSons harrow Gangs at all times realtors No complicated operating business brokers mechanisms No uneven cut 30 street tmg br digging on turns phonc 7832 6 oot Size $16400 Two acre tract on 43 southIdeal for building Will sell as two acres ARM I or as two one acre tracts each Qrpr YTi Cash or contract Also three 50 ft OlUxvCJ jots Wjth an utilities located one northeast one southeast and one AVERY TRACTOR avffle and Son STALK MULCHER I 335 Columbia Rhone 5445 6 knife 2 cylinder 4 positive trash and mulching Can be pulled at high tractor speed Tears stalks for complete coverage Available in 2 or 4 row sizes 47850 ARMSTORE Attention a New Two manure spreaders power take off Special Three Danuser posthole diggers our Wood Brothers Cornpickers Onelift rotary hoe our lift spring tooth harrows SPECIAL USED 1948 I Model tractor pow er lift cultivator 1947 3 Co Op tractor power lift cultivator? Special 1946 ord tractor power mower good 2 i One 4 row Blackhawk corn planter with fertilizer attachment Good Holmes Bros A Tractor Sales 20X2 Kossuth 'Phone 7201 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOE REPAIR SHOP OWNER LEAV Ing town ays sell quickly Doing good bUBineas Downtown Kokomo Ind Price 14500 Thomae Bona 929 Waahlngton Ph J552 Kokomo Ind BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SMALL wx list town lueaivr IJUVU iuvniiun uiuo Mil at once Price Htht Contact Lo Cain Rensselaer Ind or wfite Box 43 Rsmlngton OR SALE Two story business building in Linden on State Road 43 contain ing two business rooms telephone exchange with 3 room apartment attached Also a four room modern apartment and a three room mod ern apartment earns good interest on investment We have a strictly modern 'new four room "house weU located in Linden with liberal finance offered RED BIBLE RBAXTS COMPANY LINDEN INDIANA CAPE COD Almost new' story nd hIf home One nd hlf baths thre bedrooms end dan' or four bedrooms Pert brick A most attractive home tnsid and out A dandy basem*nt with Lennox forced air oil furnace and water softener You'll ee real vain evident for 814500 Vyverberg Realtors Drive In Office 1st and Main BupOr Per Bldg Ph 7437 2 BEDROOM NATIONAL HOME Excellent condition Comer lot Highland School district Posses sion soon $3500 will swing SCHAER REALTY SHARP BUILDING 516 Main Phone 2707 6' 'I OR SALE ive room modern bungalow lo cated on South St near Home hos pital Gas heat full basem*nt one car garage Immediate possession Owner leaving town Priced to sell Adams Insurance Agency 7 Phone 2700 or 4375 A 6 room modem house on Still well 4 down and 2 up Extra lot Price $6000 Immediate possession A 6 room modern house on Kos suth' St near Oakland school 'our rooms and bath down 2 rooms up One car garage Price $6000 Good Income property on Virgin ia St Large lot 100 130 Six rooms and bath down with oak floors 2 3 room apartments up with 2 baths gas heat Venetian blinds storm sash? and screens The up per apts 'now rented for $90a month Price $16000 A vacant lot on Elm St West Lafayette 115x 154 Price $2000 Goris Hockema Realty Co 411 erry St Phone 2826 REAL ESTATE OB SALK OR SALE 8XMI MODXRN 3 ROOM hous bath about 4 aorta Small or chard ehlekta housa In tawn of Goodland Pric $8000 Sa Carl Ban ner Goodland lnd 3 NEW HOMES: TWO EAST ONE West Sid: full baamnta oil heat oak floor Priced loss than yotPxronld expect to pay Lot me show you thsa Phone $471 i INK MODERN COUNTRY HOME 3 mllee oast Brookston Must' beeoid: owner leaving ette Can furniture and all Seo this home Kep kaJ 511 erry Phono 7456 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN DAYTON built tn '1 Hard weed floors sanded walla full basem*nt Excellent location North Baker's funeral bom $3990 ay Anderson Dayton LARGE MODERN HOUSE ONE block from airpark bM Can bs used as income property or a one family dwelling Present Income $35 per week Inquire at 1339 14th Will anil pr trade for email modern OR SALE BY OWNER NEW OUR room modern 34x34 foot house Im mediate poeseeslon ull basem*nt" oak floors and inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bathroom Located on 2Btb and Underwood Price $7600 terms Call after 5 iu Phono 6796 OR SALE BY OWNER LAAY ett: IV room modern hom*o north hot water gas heat Insulated bath powder room shower soft water new built in kitehen two car garage fur nished or unfurnished excellent condi tion or" appointment write Box 69 Journal and Courier MODERN DUPLEX OR BALE IVE rooms and bath on each side double garage gas heat 113 120 South 7th St Present rental $80 per month Thia property will be sold on April 15 1949 at the office of Vaughan and Vaughan and from 'day to day thereafter to set tle the estate of Mary Callahan "de ceased 'G NEARAIRPARK Vivo room attractive modern bungalow block from alrpark Basem*nt wa ter softener new 30 gal automatic wa ter heater top insulation storm win dows ecreens Venetian blinds rollaway stairway to attic garage and paved street Call owner for appointment 81372 EXTRA SPECIAL 4 Just got a hurry up special a four bedroom house with a "double lot in the beet of location Immediate possesion A moment's delay may be REALTY Bernie 8chIk 0777 or Mahns 4205 OR SALE BY OWNER ive acres with 6 rooms and bath new chicken house Brooder house good cellar barn" Apple orchard raspberry and strawberry patch Lo cated on banks of Wildcat Creek 1 mile south Ockley mile oast and south near Lancaster bridge See or call Henry Kellar Delphi Indiana Excellent building lot In hew addition West Lafayette Priced for immediate sale BRELSORD AGENCY" 211 State St West Lafayette Phone 6870 SAVE $200000 Will save you $2000 on average home if you are ready to build now Eliminate Contractors Profit This figured on cost plus basis All work guaranteed Will build from your blue print or furnish same Write Box 63 Journal and THE WILSONS $01 305 Life Bldg Phone 4003 WEST LAAYETTE Good 70 foot frontage lot on Sheridan Road All improvements except sewer A wide front building lot on Elm Drive LOOK $1500 LAAYETTE A four room cottage modern ex cept furnace with extra lot Long loifl District LOOK $3500 Terms A four room nearly new bunga low oak floors kitchen cabinets full basem*nt and gas furnace $6500 Terms five room cottage modem ex cept furnace fine location on paved street $5300 A six room house Inside toilet lights gas and water fine extra large lot 2 blocks from school $5500 Terms A good summer cottage on Tip pecanoe river near Springboro Two lots electric lights fireplace well water in house $1700 A good "small two" room on Wildcat Creek bank large lot for garden electric lights well wa ter good fishing $1950 CROUCH AGENCY In 110 7th Across from YMCA Phones 2595 7 We Do Not Advertise for We Mean Business Our prices are OK of we do not list Have confidence in our statements and come see the largest list in town We Lead the field in Homes and Income Buys bnContract New Listings This NO room top loca tion near bus and down payment low Can be a swell income Per fect conditiox? NO The best located hofrie to become an income or tourist home in Can now be bought on low down payment Should net $500 a month We have lots farms incomes doubles apartments houses all sizes everything We Are The 1 Complete' Agency REAL ESTATE OR KALK WEST BIDS 5 ROOMS OOMLETB ly madra Homs ns hsat nwiyJcortd boa 3564 BUILDING TWO YEARS OLD ON lrfe lot with 8 aswly room 31241 IRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE y' SURETY BONDS The Mitchell Agency Inc 211 North ourth Ai Tedford Bogan MORTON 7 ROOMS UR nao bath garsjrroo4 3L9M cash contract 8759 Phon 3561 ig OR AN BXCXLLKNT BUILD ins let in tbs Htshiand fiistrlet 138 Garas already built PboM 8373 I 2 EIGHT ROOM HOUSE GAR AG ciosod back p*rni 3 tall lets tn Clarks HUI Immedlat poMMsfan Grse Cox i a TWO LARGE BUILDING LOT8 IN Northwtrn Gardous Pv4 strost ISO and 133 ft frontass 3 lota at 70 ft front Inquire 1715 Nortkwtx Avenue or phone 85504 THREE 4 ROOM HOUSBS MODERN 5 room house our 4 room house Thro 10 room so3 Iscome Modern 6 room West Bid only 81000 down Hv com Rood trade aqa aerea Phon 8179 or 7887 Soott Vacant Near St Elizabeth hos pital 4 bedroom frame pH heat double garage $9000 EDGAR BURT 1 Phone 7942 I 1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE McConnell Robinson Agency? 419 erry Sto Phone 6826 OXORD INDIANA i Insurance of All Kinds McConnell GREENWOOD (XX REAL ESTATE ARM LOANS PHONE 94 i Immediate Possession 4 Two bedroom National Home on paved street conveniently located for school bus service and shop ping PRICE PRICE INC 316 erry Phone 64 jjr TTiree Bedroom' National Home South Side Location? Possession May 1st PRICE PRICE 318 erry Phone 5004 WEST SIDE Seven room brick home conven iently situated in nice residential section Has a large living room with fireplace sun parlor large bedroom and tiled bath down two large bedrooms and bath up Base ment under entire house gw heat laundry insulation storm windows two car garage Can give posses sion soon Price $25000 The Shook Agency 83 Yesae of Continuous Service 412 Main SU Phone 7SJS Small' specialized manufacturing firm for sale Established "for years and best known of its kind within miles A new modem block building AU of the best in equipment two service trucks and trailer our thorough ly trained sind experienced em ployes stay with new owner Present owner will stay 30 days after sale Grossed $28000 in 1948 Excellent reason for selling Hockema Agency 4th afld North St Phone 6322 Comfort and appealing buty 'in this modest home at vn mor modest price Six nle rooms and bath full basem*nt two car Krc corner Goin ast" YOU A paved street a movie su ound the comer and neighbors smack up on you don't call But if you'd like a solid house in the middle of a nine acre patch of ground on a paved road 15 minutes 4)il I 46 1 UUIU VVWM HARRIS AGENCY Realtors Loans Insurance 219 4th Phon 5411 $1000 TO $3000 DOWN BALANCE MONTHLY 103 3 bedroom National in alrpark gas heat possession today 130 New 4 room modern possession now Located east 171 6 room modern large lot 30 day possession New 6 room suburban modern Lo cated south: Possession today 181 6 room modern gas heat plus 'business building 30 day possession 221 New 4 room modern east posses sion today 'TS TL 6 room modern with oil heater North Sth Possession now 330 3 bedroom modern except furnACj furnished 30 day room Income' West Bide oloss to campus 30 day Also several other hefnes east and wast Bide We make loans on farm and city property CENTRAL REALTY 420 Columbia Phones 2132 81864 $1000 TO $5000 DOWN BALANCE MONTHLY bedroom National in air park gas heqt possession today New 4 room modern posses sion now Located east room modern large lot JBO day possession New 6 room suburban mod ern Locatedsouth Possession today 181 5 room modern gas heat plus business building 30 day posses sion 221 New 4 room modern east possession Joday 5 room modern with oil heat er North 6th Possession now 230 3 bedroom modern lexcept fr nace furnished 30 day 232 8 room income West Side close to campus 30 day" Also several other homes east and Wear Side We make loans on farm and city property CENTRAL REALTY 420 Columbia Phones 2132 81864.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.