International Week 2021 | Hochschule Bielefeld (HSBI) (2024)

08.00 (CEST)
Writing workshop

Name of host:

Prof. Bettina Georg

Name of guest:

Hubertus Adam

Title of event:

Writing workshop

Type of event:


Time of event:

08.00 – 10.30

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Students of the Master of Architectural Theory MIB (2nd + 4th semester)

Content of event:

Hubertus Adam was born in Hanover in 1965 and studied art history, philosophy and archaeology at the University of Heidelberg.
Since 1992, he has worked as a freelance art, design and architecture historian and as an architecture critic for various trade journals and daily newspapers, especially the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. In 1996/97, he was editor of Bauwelt in Berlin, and in 1998, he moved to Switzerland and was editor in charge of archithese, which is published in Zurich. Since 2010, he has been artistic director of the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel, and between 2013 and 2015 was its director with overall responsibility. In this function, he curated about four exhibitions per year. His exhibition programme focused on the architecture of the post-war decades from 1950 to 1980 as well as transdisciplinary projects, among others on the media of architectural mediation.
Adam has published widely on contemporary architecture, 20th-century architecture, photography, art and sculpture around 1900, design history, landscape architecture, stage design and monuments. He is active as a juror as well as a speaker, moderator and guest critic for various international institutions and universities. In 2004, he received the Swiss Art Award for the sector of art and architecture education.

09.30 (CEST)
Personal Documentation (from Monday to Friday)

Name of host:

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Katharina Bosse

Name of guest:

Yulie Cohen

Title of event:

Personal Documentation

Type of event:

Workshop (from Monday to Friday)

Time of event:

09.30 – 16.00 (break from 12.00 – 13.00)

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Registration with:

Registration deadline:


Open for the following
study programmes:

A & MA students: Art, Design, Industrial Design, Visual communication, Photography, Video, Filmmaking, animation, Fashion, Jewellery, Ceramics - all studies with the Art & Design.

Limit of participants:


Content of event:

The workshop focuses on self-documentation, which usually takes place within the intimate framework of the family, and in the relationships between the speaking individual and social institutions (family, government, etc.). The course, centered on self-documentation, represents, among other things, a dominant cultural trend today that encourages self-exposure, but, unlike uncritical “selfie culture,” it emphasizes the difference and the distinctive nature of personal documentation as an autobiographical record that usually includes the intersection between the private sphere and the public and political one.

Yulie Cohen is a Filmmaker and a distinguished lecturer. Earned a degree in Sociology & Anthropology from Tel Aviv University (1981), and an MA with distinction in Communication Arts from the New York Institute of Technology (1984).
Worked in films in New York and Los Angeles, returning to Israel in 1988 for the birth of the first of two daughters.
Since 1993, Yulie has directed and/or produced many documentaries. Her films, including the acclaimed trilogy My Terrorist (2002), My Land Zion (2004) and My Brother (2007) have been shown at international film festivals, translated to more than 20 languages, broadcast worldwide by many television channels, purchased by the libraries of dozens of academies, and discussed at conferences in Israel and abroad. Cohen was awarded the Art of Film prize at the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2005.
My Israel (2008) was commissioned by BBC and was based on the trilogy. A Minor Shrine For Our Love (2014) was curated for Dani Karavan's exhibition 50 years of the Negev Monument in The Negev Museum of Art. Our Natural Right (2020) was premiered in Tel Aviv Solidarity Film Festival. Since 2008, she has been teaching at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem including the course Personal Documentation in the M.Des. Degree programme of visual communications at Bezalel.

10.00 (CEST)
Challenges of Entrepreneurship in Albania

Name of host:

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wach

Name of guest:

Olta Nexhipi, Ph.D.

Title of event:

Challenges of Entrepreneurship in Albania

Type of event:


Time of event:


Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Registration with:

Registration deadline:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Open for all study programmes

Content of event:

Albanian history during communism, first steps to enter a new economic system, entrepreneurship in Albania today.
Deep dive into what Albania is offering to founders today.

Olta Nexhipi, Ph.D., from March 2010 is a full time lecturer in management department at "Aleksander Moisiu", University, Durres, Albania; she lectures courses as Business, Entrepreneurship, Project Management and Service Management.
She has many academic experiences as lecturer in national Universities as "Aleksander Xhuvani", "Agrobusiness", and "Business College" in the mean time for the last two years she lectures at the University of World and National Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. She also has teaching experiences from Erasmus+ projects in Romania.
From May 2015, she is the head of Management Department in the Faculty of Business.
Olta finished her bachelor studies in management in 2006 in New York University/ Tirana. In 2009, she gained her master degree in Marketing from Institut Universitare Kurt Boesch Switzerland. She has followed many courses in fields of Management, Entrepreneurship, Negotiations, etc.
She has participated in many international conferences and has published many papers in different international journals. Her fields of interest are service management and entrepreneurship challenges.

10.00 (CEST)
Challenges in managing social work organizations in the Covid-19 crisis

Name of host:

Prof. Dr. Anna Lena Rademaker

Name of guest:

Rossitsa Simeonova, Ph.D.

Title of event:

Challenges in managing social work organizations in the Covid-19 crisis

Type of event:

Lecture, Information event

Time of event:

10.00 - 11.30

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Registration with:

Registration deadline:


Open for the following
study programmes:

B.A. "Soziale Arbeit", B.A. "Pädagogik der Kindheit", M.A. "Sozialwissenschaftliche Transformationsstudien"

Content of event:

The presentation will outline the main challenges facing social work organizations in the situation of global Covid-19 pandemic based on results of survey and interviews with social work managers from Sofia, Bulgaria. Reflecting on these data some, recommendations for crisis management improvements are summarized. Discussion with the audience on the results and recommendations provided will follow reflecting on their professional experience.

Dr. Rossitsa Simeonova is Associate Professor of Social work management at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Education, Department of social work. She has more than 20 years of experience as a lecturer and supervisor in academia (bachelor, master and doctoral level) and as a trainer and consultant in social work and education practice. Her research interests and publications are related to social work management, quality management, leadership and organizational culture, innovation management, educational management and evaluation, child rights. She is a member of the managing boards of the Bulgarian Association of Social Work Education, FICE Bulgaria, and Network for innovations in education. She is a member of the Southeast Europe Academic Women’s Leadership Initiative and a chairperson of the Janusz Korczak Friends’ Foundation, Bulgaria.

10.00 (CEST)
Business Analytics and Process Mining

Name of host:

Prof. Dr. Riza Öztürk

Name of guest:

Dr. Alessandro Spano

Title of event:

Business Analytics and Process Mining

Type of event:


Time of event:

10.00 - 12.00

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Open for all study programmes

Content of event:

The lecture will deal with Business Analytics and Process Mining. Business Analytics can be defined as "the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions” (Davenport and Harris, 2007, p. 16) while Process Mining is a new Development in the Business Analytics sector and is a tool "to discover, monitor and improve real processes (i.e., not assumed processes) by extracting knowledge from event logs readily available in today's (information) systems” (IEEE, 2012, p. 1).

Dr. Alessandro Spano is full professor of Business Economics at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences (SEA) at the University of Cagliari, Ital and received a Ph.D. in Public Management and Accounting.
He currently serves as President of the International Business Studies Exchange Network (IBSEN) a consortium of ten universities from ten different countries.
He was visiting professor at the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland) in 2019; at Mikkeli University (Finland) in 2015 and 2016; and at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada in 2011.
His research interests include management control systems, information systems, business analytics, performance measurement and evaluation, process analysis, health care management.
He is author and co-author of about 40 among papers in international peer-reviewed journals (European Management Journal, Public Management Review, Public Money and Management, International Public Management Review and International Journal of Public Administration), conference proceedings, book chapters and books.
He is the co-founder and the CEO of Chain Factory Srl, a university spin-off that focuses on Block chain and other digital technologies. He is the founder and head of the SAP Next-Gen Chapter on Block chain and an active member of the SAP Academic. He is also an active member of the Celonis Academic Alliance.

10.00 (CEST)
The Video Game otherwise

Name of host:Prof. Florian Kühnle
Name of guest:Olivier Ageron
Title of event:The Video Game otherwise
Type of event:Lecture
Time of event:10.00 - 11.30
Zoomlink of event:Available in ILIAS (
Language of event:English
Open for the following study programmes:Open for all study programmes
Content of event:

Video games still suffer from many prejudices, especially in the media: It’s only for children / They make you violent / They are bad for your health / They are only for boys / They make you stupid and gamers have no social life…
Should video games be reduced to these stereotypes only? Are video games no more interesting than that? By proposing new gameplay and new ways of playing, we can always reinvent it.

Olivier Ageron has a university degree in history, art history and archaeology, and he is an autodidact in visual communication and multimedia.
With this atypical background, his research focuses not only on art history, but also on the notions of perception, affordance, interface aesthetics and human/machine relations in collaboration with computer science research laboratories, as well as on the place of new technologies and multimedia in contemporary art and graphic design.
He has been teaching digital technology, interactivity and everything that has to do with technology and the relationship between art and science in general at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art et de Design in Nancy since 1999. Very involved in the Artem project since its creation, he set up and led numerous transversal pedagogical experiences.
Creator of the Artem Game Lab: an innovative training, research and creation programme in the field of games and more particularly video games.
He also regularly intervenes in several courses at the University of Lorraine such as Cognitive Science and Information / Communication.
He also works as a writer and editorial designer as well as a graphic and multimedia designer on institutional and cultural communication projects, as a freelancer or in collaboration with different graphic design studios.

12.00 (CEST)
Practising ethically during COVID-19: Social work challenges and responses

Name of host:

Prof. Dr. phil. Anna Lena Rademaker

Name of guest:

Kim Strom, Ph.D.

Title of event:

Practising ethically during COVID-19: Social work challenges and responses

Type of event:


Time of event:

12.00 – 13.30

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Registration with:

Registration deadline:


Open for the following
study programmes:

B.A. "Soziale Arbeit", B.A. "Pädagogik der Kindheit", M.A. "Sozialwissenschaftliche Transformationsstudien"

Content of event:

This workshop draws on findings of an international study of social workers ethical challenges during COVID-19, based on 607 responses to a qualitative survey. Ethical challenges included the following: maintaining trust, privacy, dignity and service user autonomy in remote relationships; allocating limited resources; balancing rights and needs of different parties; deciding whether to break or bend policies in the interests of service users; and handling emotions and ensuring care of self and colleagues. The workshop considers regional contrasts, the ethical logistics of complex decision-making, the impact of societal inequities, and lessons for social workers and professional practice around the globe.

Kim Strom, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Behavioural Healthcare Resource Program Smith P. Theimann Jr. Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Professional Practice.
Kim Strom is originally from the state of Maine. She is trained as a social worker, with particular experience in adult mental health and crisis services. She received her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.
Strom has been a social work educator for more than 30 years, teaching in the areas of direct practice and educational leadership. Her research is on moral courage and ethics. She is principal investigator of the UNC School of Social Work behavioural healthcare contract and director of UNC Chapel Hill Office of Ethics and Policy. She is internationally recognized for training, consultation, and research on ethical practice and ethical action.

14.00 (CEST)
Pitching business ideas with the Lean Canvas Model

Name of host:

Prof. Dr. Mariam Dopslaf

Name of guest:

Prof. Dr. Alixandre Thiago Ferreira de Santana

Title of event:

Pitching business ideas with the Lean Canvas Model

Type of event:


Time of event:

14.00 – 15.30

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

All interested parties; Practice-integrated courses Digital Logistics, Product Service Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management at the Gütersloh Campus; 4th semester in the courses "Quality Management" and "Digital Service Engineering & Services Marketing"

Content of event:

In this workshop, the students will get introduced to ideas generation techniques, Lean Canvas, Design thinking principles and communication with pitches. In the end, the students will present an initial version of a pitch related to a real problem selected by them.

Prof. Dr. Alixandre Thiago Ferreira de Santana holds a bachelor´s degree in computer engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, 2006) and a master's degree in business administration focused on IT management (UFRN, 2009). He finished his Ph.D. in computer science in 2017 at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFPE, 2017). He was also visiting scholar at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany, during 2014-2015 and at the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, Canada, in 2018. Since 2010, he is an associate professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) teaching courses like Management of Information Systems, Project Management and IT Entrepreneurship. His research interests include IT Management, Enterprise Architecture and Innovation Ecosystems. Alixandre also worked as an IT consultant for the Pernambuco State Government and as a software engineer at the Rio Grande do Norte’s courthouse, both in Brazil.

14.00 (CEST)
Health Information for people with intellectual disabilities. Promoting health with target-orientated information preparation

Name of hosts:

Prof. Dr. Änne-Dörte Latteck, Dr. Dirk Bruland

Name of guests:

Dr. Helena Bergström, Dr. Deborah Chinn, Molly Lynch

Title of event:

Health Information for people with intellectual disabilities. Promoting health with target-orientated information preparation

Type of event:


Time of event:

14.00 - 16.30

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Content of event:

Health information is all information about the own health. This information covers a broad spectrum, such as information about symptoms or diagnoses, information about health services and where to find the best help for own health problems, as well as information about health promotion and prevention. It is very important that health information is understandable, because it supports the decision-making to take health-promoting measures, at least to assess the risks to oneself or others if one decides against them. The World Health Organization describe: „Intellectual disability means a significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information…“ (WHO quote). The provision of adequate and understandable health information is crucial for this population group, which is particularly vulnerable to health problems.
Three researchers present their results and point out focal points in the dissemination of information, from an institution view, to communication with external health professionals (GPs) and to inform a whole population.



Programme content


10 minutes

Warm Welcoming and Background
(Health information for people with intellectual disabilities)

Prof. Dr. Ä.-D. Latteck (University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany)


30 minutes and

10 minutes discussion

Health Matters Programme: Promoting health where we live, learn, work, and play!

Dr. H. Bergstöm (Akademiskt Primärvårdscentrum, Stockholm, Sweden)


10 minutes



30 minutes and

10 minutes discussion

‘I have to explain to him’: How companions broker mutual understanding between patients with intellectual disabilities and health care practitioners

Dr. D. Chinn (Kings College, London, UK)


10 minutes



30 minutes and

10 minutes discussion

Corona and how to create information for a whole population group. First results.

M. Lynch, L. Mc Cormack (RTI International, USA)


10 Minutes

Summarizing and concluding words

Dr. D. Bruland (University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany)

Dr. Helena Bergström
is currently evaluating the Health Matters program, aiming at improving health literacy and empowerment among adults with intellectual disabilities. The program is developed in the US, and are now adapted to and tested in a Swedish context. One of her main interests is to promote health equity by targeting health among people with disabilities.

Dr. Deborah Chinn is a clinical psychologist who works with adults with intellectual disabilities, and a lecturer in the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care at King's College London. The current focus of her research interests is health communication involving people with intellectual disabilities.

Molly Lynch is an experienced mixed-methods researcher and evaluator with content expertise in disaster preparedness (e.g., pandemic influenza, Ebola, Zika) and a communications researcher with expertise in media content analyses, formative research, campaign development and design thinking methodologies (e.g., journey mapping, co-creation, etc). Ms. Lynch works with a variety of non-profit and governmental clients—including the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), March of Dimes and the Arthritis Foundation—to conduct research and evaluation to inform program development.

14.30 (CEST)
The Future Consumer: Macro Drivers and Implications for Marketers

Name of host:

Ass. jur. Nermin Köklüce

Name of guest:

Ass. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ozdamar Ertekin

Title of event:

The Future Consumer: Macro Drivers and Implications for Marketers

Type of event:


Time of event:

14.30 - 16.00

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Open for all study programmes

Content of event:

The lecture titled "The Future Consumer: Macro Drivers and Implications" will provide students with information on the macro drivers and trends that impact consumer behaviour and the implications for businesses and marketers. The topics discussed will be relevant for students from different disciplines and it is planned to be around two hours during which there will also be discussions with students.

Ass. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ozdamar Ertekin is a graduate of Izmir American Collegiate Institute (‘90). She received her BA degree in Management from Bogazici University (’94). She has an MBA (2010) and a Ph.D. degree in Marketing (2016) from Izmir University of Economics.
She has 17 years of professional experience, 7 years of which was in England. She worked as senior merchandiser, key account manager and design manager in fashion apparel industry.
Between 2011 and 2016, she worked as a part time lecturer at IUE, department of fashion and department of business administration. She joined Izmir University of Economics as full time assistant professor of marketing in October 2017.
Her research interests concentrate on sustainability, fashion, consumption theories and Macro marketing. She has papers in Journal of Macro marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, METU Studies in Development and Markets, Globalization and Development Review.

15.00 (CEST)
Intelligent Connected Vehicle in China

Name of host:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Feyerabend

Name of guest:

Dr. Xiangpeng Liu

Title of event:

Intelligent Connected Vehicle in China

Type of event:

Lecture with discussion

Time of event:

15.00 - 16.00

Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Engineering courses, mechatronics, electronics, computer science

Content of event:

Lecture on „Intelligent Connected Vehicle in China“

16.00 (CEST)
An Odyssey from Artificial Intelligence to Cognitive Science

Name of host:

Dr. math. Dipl.-Math. Ulrich Tamm

Name of guest:

Prof Dr. Haldun Akpinar

Title of event:

An Odyssey from Artificial Intelligence to Cognitive Science

Type of event:


Time of event:


Zoomlink of event:

Available in ILIAS (

Language of event:


Open for the following
study programmes:

Open for all study programmes

Content of event:

Since ancient times, one of the most important goals of human beings is to understand the human mind and consciousness. From Antiquity towards the end of the 19th Century, Philosophy of Mind led to the development of psychology and then in the late 1930's emerged the first steps of a new discipline, cognitive science. As an interdisciplinary science, linking philosophy, psychology, neuro science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology and the others, cognitive science tries to enlighten the process of information in the human mind and thus leads to the creation of a newly intelligent being.
In this lecture, the unity of both disciplines and the current results of this interaction will be presented from the perspective of artificial intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Akpinar has punched his first punched card in 1979 and he has developed his first professional software in 1981. He has been working in Information and Communication Technologies as a software developer, a system analyst, a consultant and a project manager as well as an educator for 40 years.
Prof. Dr. Akpinar has worked about the ICT in many universities and enterprises in various countries like USA, Japan, Sweden, New Zealand, Austria and Germany.
He has been teaching in the undergraduate as well as in the graduate program various courses like “Advanced Technology Management”, “Artificial Intelligence” and "Data Mining“ in Turkish, German and English. He also holds seminars about health and hospital information systems in different institutions.
He has published 22 books/book chapters in Turkish and German and numerous research papers and articles.

International Week 2021 | Hochschule Bielefeld (HSBI) (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.